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I have a problem with boundaries.

Bey told me not to talk to Naomi but I feel bad because I'm the reason they're even arguing so I was going to anyway.

I just wanted to make things less hostile and tense for everyone.

When I got to their house, I used my key and just walked in. I went to the kitchen first because it was the closest and found Naomi there. Great.

She was in the kitchen cutting up fruits. I'm sure they were for Bey.

I stood on the other side of the island and put my bag down. "Hey, can we talk?"

She looked up from the pineapple she was cutting for just a split second. "Yeah, sure."

I could feel the passive aggressiveness. I'm regular aggressive, if she has something to say she should say it.

"So I know you're mad about what happened at the hospital, and I'm sorry. That shouldn't have happened."

"I agree, it shouldn't have. You two shouldn't have even been in the position for something like that to happen and Bey should know better."

"Yeah but it wasn't really her fault. Be mad at me, not her."

"She's the one that's married. She shouldn't have anyone in her lap. It doesn't matter that you guys are still friends, you're still exes." She was cutting the pineapple with so much anger.

"But it wasn't even like that. It was friendly, I just couldn't sleep."

"Onika, I don't care if you hadn't slept in weeks. There's no reason you need to be sleeping in her lap like that."

"... Okay." She's not wrong but I didn't like how she was talking to me. "So are you still mad?"

"I don't think you should use your key unless it's an emergency."

"Huh?" How did we get there from what we were talking about?

"It's clear we need boundaries all around. I don't think you need to be walking into our house like this all the time."

"But I just came here to get my kids." It's not like I'm just walking in here every day.

"You can come get your kids and still ring the doorbell. The only way into this house isn't using your own personal key. It's not necessary."

"Well I like my key." I know I probably should've just agreed with her but she was talking to me like I was a child or something and I didn't like it.

"I don't care."

"Well I honestly don't care what you want either then. Bey gave me the key and if we want to be technical, this isn't even your house so I'll use the key as much as I want."

"This is my house, so much of my house that I can get the locks changed."

"Okay...? I'll just get another key, the fuck." Now I'm on one. "I really don't get why're mad in the first place. I was in her lap, not sucking her dick. You should really be saying thank you."

She started laughing like I said something funny. "I should be saying thank you? I should say thank you that you didn't try to embarrass yourself by making a move on my wife."

"Embarrass myself?" I chuckled, "You must not know your wife. You're lucky I'm in the relationship I'm in or you wouldn't even have one."

I'm just talking shit, even though I didn't really lie. I hate when people try to check me, I was already being nice by apologizing but I wasn't going to apologize too much.

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