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Today was our beach day and I was actually excited. I woke up at the crack of dawn because we had to drive to Malibu.

I packed two beach bags of stuff and that didn't even include the towels. Then I had to leave and get snacks and drinks to pack in the cooler. It's better to be overprepared than underprepared.

After I spent more time than I should've packing beach bags, I woke the kids and Bey up.

They were all half asleep as we were getting all packed in the car. Even Bey. She was acting like a baby.

They all fell asleep once I started driving. After a while, I woke Bey up to keep me company.

"I brought those edibles we stole from Beau, do you want to take them when we get to the beach?"

"Actually, yeah. That might be fun."

I yawned, "I need a nap first."

"Maybe we should've gotten a hotel room."

"With whose money? I don't have the budget for that, I'm about to be unemployed."

Three rooms at the hotel we're staying at is already way too much money, I couldn't imagine spending money on another one no matter how much money I have.

"Unemployed? What did you do to get fired?"

"What makes you think I got fired?" I'm pretty sure I should be offended. "I'm thinking about quitting."

"Now why would you do that?"

"I just feel like it's time to start a new chapter in my life. Onika 5.0."

She laughed, "Who were the other four versions?"

"The first one was New York Onika. Then I became Onika 2.0 after I met you. Onika 3.0 happened after my mom died and I decided to get my shit together for Beau. Onika 4.0 was when I started to really get into this mom thing and into a healthy relationship while also having a healthy friendship with you."

I pretty much become a new person every couple years. I love that for me.

"Damn. I think I've only been one version of me my whole life. The dumb and clueless farmer."

"Now you're the dumb and clueless businesswoman, remember that. You're happy and making a shit ton of money so stop talking down on yourself." I hate when she does that.


"You've had low self esteem for too long, I don't get it." No offense but damn.

She sighed and put her head back. "Me either."

"It's okay, we'll work on it." I put my hand on her thigh since I'm her baby daddy.

She chucked, "Your hands are so small. This didn't have the desired effect at all, it's like a doll hand."

"Shut up."

Eventually the kids woke up so we couldn't talk about everything we wanted to talk about. By the time we got to Malibu, it was around noon.

The beach we were going to wasn't a beach with a lot of people. It was more private with Cabanas but there was a couple other family's here.

While I was setting everything up, the kids took the clothes they were wearing over their bathing suits off and went to the water. Nobody wanted to help me, ungrateful heathens.

I bent down to take some of the beach toys out of the bag and when I came back up, Bey was directly behind me. "We should have a water gun fight later. Wayne taught me how to aim and shoot a gun really well."

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