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BM 🍑 sent you $250.

BM 🍑: I don't know how much a Plan B costs

I left her dumbass on read. She pisses me off.

The thing is, I wasn't even mad. I just felt so dumb.

As soon as she left, I got in the shower. I needed to wash all this sex and dirtiness off me. That's how I felt, dirty.

After I got out of the shower I got dressed in a Nike sweatsuit that I could've possibly stolen from Beau.

I really didn't want to be pregnant so I got in car and drove to the closest Walgreens. I knew I looked a mess so I put my sunglasses on before getting out.

When I got there, the Plan Bs were locked up so I had to had to ask someone to unlock them for me.

It was so embarrassing having to ask some teenager to help me get them. That could've been one of Beaus classmates.

I went to look for some snacks after getting two just to be safe, Bey sent me way too much money. But I deserved it.

I got a bunch of random stuff, I would end up sharing it with Giselle when I picked her up tomorrow. The rest of the money Bey sent would go toward a very expensive lunch for me and the kids.

After I got enough stuff, I went to pay. I didn't feel like scanning my own stuff so I went to an actual cashier to do it.

A bunch of snacks and two Plan B's probably made me seem like a mess, I looked like one too.

Before I could pay, someone else tapped their card and paid for me.

I looked back and rolled my eyes when I saw who it was. "What do you want K?"

She was about to go to the gym or play basketball. I could tell by the gym clothes she was wearing and her bag filled with water bottles.

"You're fucking Bey?"

I looked back at the cashier who's eyes were now wide while she bagged my stuff up. "Can I have a receipt please?" Because I was going to pay her back for this.

She nodded without looking up, "Yes ma'am."

"Don't ignore me Onika."

As soon as she finished bagging my stuff, I grabbed the bag and started walking away.

I didn't even get out of the store before she grabbed me by my arm. "I know you hear me fucking talking to you."

"Oh, I do. I just don't have to explain anything to a bitch I'm not even with. And for your information, I'm not fucking her."

"There's only one person that could possibly get you pregnant, because I know you're not fucking any niggas."

"You don't know shit." I snatched my arm back and started walking away.

She was following me but she didn't grab me again. When I got to my car, I opened the backseat and put the snacks in but she put her hand over my drivers seat door to stop me.

"So that's who you fucked in Vegas?"

I took a deep breath go stop myself from swinging on her. "You're about to piss me off. We're not together so I'm not explaining shit to you about who I decide to fuck."

She chuckled and clenched her fists. "No, you're about to piss me off."

I looked down at her fists and mocked her dumb chuckle. "Bitch, I dare you to hit me." It'll be a full on brawl in this parking lot.

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