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"That's great! So she really made it to Liyue, after all?" Yoimiya asked excitedly, the ship's crew members cringing at her volume. Beidou had just finished telling her the story of what had happened to Atsuko, who had fled Inazuma a few weeks earlier. The pirate captain nodded.

"Sure did. Wasn't easy, though," she sighed as she recalled the tale, "She ended up stranded in the ocean for days on that little boat. If she didn't get that extra ration last minute, I don't think she would have survived."

"You said someone here gave it to her?" The blonde questioned, furrowing her eyebrows in thought. While she'd helped Atsuko pack for the journey beforehand, she couldn't recall anyone that might have given her extra food or water after that. Few people even knew about her plan, aside from the fireworks maker.

"Yeah, a Nobushi, or at least, that's what she told me." Beidou replied, leaning against the ship's mass.

"You don't believe her?"

"It's not that, I've just never heard of people like them- the ronin- helping anyone like that," the captain admitted, taking out her flask and shaking it to see how much liquid was still inside, "From what I've heard, they don't tend to look out for other people, right? More of the every-person-for-themselves types?" Yoimiya nodded.

She had to admit, the story didn't sound the most plausible. Nobushi weren't exactly known for their kindness, so it didn't seem likely that one would help Atsuko escape. Still, she wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt, and she had no reason not to trust her friend.

"But then again, what do I know?" Beidou continued after taking a long swig from her flask, "It's not good to assume things about people. Maybe the Nobushi have taken up some kind of new rule, something about helping escapees."

"Either way, I'm glad Atsuko was able to make it," Yoimiya agreed, "I was worried about her. The journey out of Inazuma isn't easy." Beidou was about to speak again when the shout of a crew member on the other side of the ship caught her attention. Sighing, she stood up and gave the blonde a nod.

"Thanks for dropping off those fireworks, Yoimiya," She smiled brightly, "I'll make sure they get to Liyue on our next trip out."

"Thanks, you're the best!" The fireworks maker replied, waving enthusiastically as the ship's captain left her. With that, she made her way back to Inazuma City, keeping a close eye out for any Ronin along the way.

After all, if the friendly Nobushi that had helped her friend really did exist, she wanted to thank them in person.


"Are you kidding?" Kama's voice boomed, making you cringe. You had been trying to lay low, but it seemed your second in command had had other plans. Gathering your last bit of patience, you stood and turned to him, arms crossed.

"What's the problem this time?"

"You're really not going to let us try our hand at the Kamisato estate?" He questioned in disbelief, "Come on, they're basically sitting ducks!"

"Ducks," you snapped, "That could get us all killed. Don't forget how much power their clan has in Inazuma."

"It doesn't matter!" He replied insistently, "We can take them! Come on, we haven't robbed anyone in weeks."

"We haven't had to," You countered, rolling your eyes. The two of you had been over this far too many times at this point. "Stealing from people- especially a clan like the Kamisatos- is reckless if we don't have a good enough reason."

"Reason," the brunette grumbled, "Who cares about reason? We're samurai, for crying out loud! We answer to no one, take what we want!"

"And if you want to end up murdered by the Kamisato guards or even the Raiden Shogun, be my guest," you exclaimed, "But I'm telling you, it's a bad idea. I'm not risking all of our lives just so you can feel better about yourself, Kama." You turned to walk away, done with the conversation that had been sucking the life out of you for the past hour.

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