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"You, stop!" The guard shouted, causing both you and Thoma to freeze and slowly turn around. Your heart was racing now, and you took a step closer to the tall blonde, hoping he'd know what to do. Your hand fell to meet the hilt of your sword, readying your weapon just in case things got ugly.

"Uh, is there something wrong?" Thoma asked, sounding cheerful despite also being nervous. He subtly put a hand out towards you, signaling for you to hold off on the fighting for now.

The guard came over, giving a nod to the blonde before shifting his gaze to you.

"Yes, the person with you, who are they?" He questioned, eyes narrowed. You opened your mouth to speak, but were interrupted by Thoma.

"They're a friend of the Kamisato siblings," he replied casually, "They were visiting Inazuma when the Sakoku Decree was announced, and haven't been able to leave yet. I thought I'd show them around in the meantime."

"Is that so?" The guard replied, still not seeming like he was buying it, "They look rather similar to someone the Shogun has us hunting down..."

"Really? What a coincidence." Thoma replied with a shrug.

"What's your name?" The guard asked again, his focus on you. You didn't reply, instead glancing at the blonde. You didn't want to mess up the whole visiting foreigner façade he had going on.

"...They don't speak our language," he explained carefully, "They're from Mondstat." He turned to you, saying a few words in what you assumed to be Mondstat's native language. Truthfully, you didn't understand a word of it, but you nodded in recognition anyway.  He smiled back at you, turning to the guard again.

"They agree with me that it's funny you'd mistake them for an Inazuman," he explained cheerfully, "I guess they're fitting in here better than I thought!" There was a pause before the man finally nodded.

"I suppose so," he admitted with a sigh, "I apologize for jumping to conclusions."

"That's alright!" Thoma waved a hand dismissively, "We know this is a busy time for you. Anyway, we have to be going, but we'll see you later!" With that, he gently took your hand and led you away from the guard into the city and towards the restaurant where you'd first met.

Once you were safely far enough away from the guard, he let go of you and sighed in relief.

"Glad we managed to avoid that," he said softly, "Things almost got ugly there." You nodded in agreement.

"You seemed confident enough, though." At this, his cheeks grew ever so slightly pink.

"Oh, I deal with people all the time," He explained nonchalantly, "I guess I'm just used to those kinds of situations." You frowned; the mere idea of having a job like that disgusted you. No, you would rather stick to being a samurai-for-hire like right now.

"Anyway," The blonde continued as he kept walking down the street with you in tow, "Did you see anything interesting by the police station? I would have paid more attention, but I was trying to make sure no one noticed us."

"Kujou Sara is posted there," You replied, "But I had already expected that." He nodded.

"Then, aside from your former teammates setting up camp by Chinju Forest, there wasn't anything we didn't already prepare for." He turned back to you with concerned eyes, "Are you feeling better about the mission? I know seeing them was probably hard for you."

Slightly taken aback, you shrugged his questions off.

"I'm fine," You answered simply. Even if seeing them had rattled you a bit, it was nothing you couldn't handle. You'd been through much worse. "Are we going back to the estate now?"

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