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You carefully walked through Inazuma city, trying your best not to draw attention to yourself. Of course, that was difficult, given your samurai armor. Your first order of business would be to get yourself something new to wear.

It was odd for you to be so alone now. After meeting the others years ago, you hadn't worked like this since you were young. It felt so foreign to you.

You kept your head down, weaving in and out of the people. You'd spent the last couple of hours in the streets, trying to forget that you'd witnessed another vision bearer getting arrested. As much as you wanted to help him, you wouldn't know where to start, and you were well aware not everyone could be saved.

On your way, you passed a small restaurant called Shimura's, trying to ignore how the smell made your stomach growl. You were low on mora, and you knew buying different clothes would be a better use of the now limited resources you had.

But at the same time, the idea of stopping for food was so tempting. You hadn't eaten since the night before, forgetting to even pack anything in your bag as you left Yoimiya's house that morning. Even if you'd remembered, though, you knew you wouldn't have wanted to trouble her more.

Your stomach growled again now, and you sighed, giving in and turning around to go back to the restaurant. You would just have to find some other way to get new clothes, you supposed.

Now standing in line, you glanced up at the menu and cringed. Most of it was too expensive for you, but you might be able to afford the cheapest option. Taking out your mora pouch, you quickly began counting the coins, trying to be sure you could afford it. The line moved forward, and there was only one person ahead of you now. You hoped they would take their time so you could finish, but ended up being wrong as they stepped out of the way a moment later.

"Next." The old man at the counter announced, urging you forward. You panicked slightly, unable to finish your counting.

"Uh," You managed, glancing back at the menu, "Could I get one Teyvat Fried Egg?" The man nodded.

"Sure. That'll be 180 mora." He seemed irritated, but that made sense for how early it was, and the fact that he had such a long line. You nodded, carefully putting your bag of mora on the table.

"Here." You took note of how he raised an eyebrow, as if surprised that you were even going to pay him, being a Ronin. He took the bag, making a point to carefully count your money and causing you to become more anxious. You really hoped there was enough in there, or he might call the guards on you out of spite.

You started to sweat at how long it was taking for him to count it. The people behind you were getting impatient, you could tell. Finally, he finished and looked up at you, a deep frown etching his features.

"175. You're five mora short." He spat, crossing his arms and waiting for your response. Your face reddened slightly. This was the first time you'd tried to get food at a restaurant in years, and of course it was going horribly.

"Oh, I see..." You replied, slumping a little. He didn't seem willing to compromise, especially with someone like you, so you took that as a sign to get lost, picking your mora back up. "In that case, you can cancel my order." With that, you turned and started walking away, your own stomach betraying you with another loud growl.

"Wait!" Someone called out behind you, and you snapped your gaze back to see a blonde man with green eyes, motioning for you to come back. Confused, you obliged, not wanting to make a scene in the middle of the street.

"Mr. Thoma," Shimura spoke, a smile forming on his lips, "Good to see you. Here to pick up food for the Kamisatos again?" Your ears perked at the mention of that name. Yoimiya had told you about them, hadn't she?

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