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You fought against the vines that held you in place, desperately trying to free yourself from their confines. At the same time, you attacked any member of the group that came near you, your sword crackling with electro.

Occasionally, your electro hit the vines beneath you, but the reaction only caused them to spread further up your body.

You had to hand it to Kama, he'd improved his team since the last time the two of you had met. You slashed at the vines with your sword, but as expected, they regrew too quickly for you to make any real progress.

On top of that, in your moment of shifted focus, one of the other men had managed to shoot an arrow at you and lodge it in your left arm.

You cried out in both surprise and pain, but it served more to anger you than anything else. You'd been shot many times before, so it wouldn't be an issue unless you lost too much blood.

Laughing, Kama come forward with a huge grin on his lips. You only scowled back, thrusting your sword forward to deter him from coming any closer to you.

"How the mighty have fallen," He spoke, and you could feel the vines creeping up your legs. He was just far enough away that you couldn't reach him with your weapon, and it infuriated you. "You know, Y/n, had you shared your little secret with the rest of us sooner, we never would have staged that mutiny."

There was a teasing glint in his eyes that you tried to ignore as he began walking circles around your form, the lower half of which had now become entirely encased in the thick vines.

"You might have even deserved some actual respect." Kama kept talking, trying to get under your skin, "but it's too bad." With that, he stopped, watching the vines creep up your torse now as you gritted your teeth in anger.

"Now, here we are," he sighed, crossing his arms, "You're too weak to handle my new gang, and there's no way I'm passing up an opportunity to turn you in to the Shogun. In fact, her soldiers are already on their way here." At this, you frowned, glancing around at the group.

Sure enough, they seemed to be missing one person that you'd seen with them earlier. Kama must have sent them to retrieve the electro Archon's guards.

"What do you think they'll reward us with, sir?" One of the men piped up, catching Kama's attention. His smile widened, and he simply shrugged.

"Who knows? It all depends on how much Y/n here is wanted for," He sheathed his own sword, finally letting his guard down now that you couldn't attack him. "Maybe they'll give us mora, more than we could ever spend in our lifetimes. They might announce our accomplishments in the streets and offer us positions of power." He stopped, turning to meet your eyes again. "It all depends on them."

"I vote for the mora!" One man shouted, and there were several grunts of agreement.

"With enough mora, we could buy ourselves a palace of our own!"

"Forget the Shogun, we could become the rulers of Inazuma!"

"We could buy a palace for every one of us!" Kama only laughed at their many ideas.

"Yes yes, there will be time for all of that later!" He assured them, "Thebe, finish wrapping them up so we can hand them off to the guards." The man with the dendro vision nodded, increasing the speed of his vines as they spread across your body. Your left arm was almost completely restrained now, and you were thankful to be holding your sword in your still-free right hand.

The group's excitement only grew, along with your own anger. If they thought you were going down without a fight, they would be wrong.

Suddenly, before you could even make another move, a familiar voice interrupted everything.

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