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Your sword clashed with Ayaka's, the electro and cryo powers reacting violently with one another. You tried to ignore how tired you were becoming as she drew back and slashed at you again, forcing you to dodge her just in time to avoid being hit.

She sheathed her sword, preparing for another attack, and you took the opportunity to turn around and smack her with your electrified blade.

She blocked the attack with her own sword just in time before breaking into a sprint. Whenever she did, you swore she became a blur, turning completely invisible, save for the trail of snowflakes that followed. She popped back up behind you, and you whipped around, managing to knock her weapon out of her hand. She put her arms up in surrender, a small smile on her face.

"Well done, Y/n," She said as you returned your own sword to the sheath at your belt. She bent down to pick hers back up before nodding to you. "That's all for today. You've improved so much."

"Thanks." You replied. The two of you had been training almost nonstop the last couple of days, at least, when Ayaka wasn't busy. You'd spent more than one night in the courtyard sparring against her and sometimes Thoma. It was exhausting, but being able to fight with your companions like that helped you regain a small sense of normalcy.

You used to spar with Kama all the time, often to demonstrate fighting techniques for the others. Now, though, the thought was bittersweet.

"We should be able to save Kazuha within a day or two, once we have someone trace the route," Ayaka continued. It was true; you and her had been able to plot a path from the Kamisato Estate to where Kazuha was being kept in Inazuma City, and then to the docks of Ritou Island where you would escape. Between ironing out the plan and training with your vision, you'd made a lot of progress in a short period of time.

Still, someone needed to physically walk the route before anything could continue. After all, you'd planned it from memory and past prison floor plans. If anything had changed about the guard placement or even the existing camps of Ronin you knew, that could cause problems down the line.

"I can trace the route," you suggested, picking up one of the little towels Thoma had left you two and wiping the sweat from your forehead.

"Oh, you don't need to do that," Ayaka assured you, "I was planning to have Thoma do it later today. He should be fine." You frowned.

You were still one of the most wanted people on the Shogun's list right now, and you'd had to spend the last few days entirely cooped up in the estate, only going as far as the courtyard to train. Truthfully, you had been hoping to get out for a while.

Noticing your disappointed look, the white-haired girl paused for a moment before picking up her water bottle.

"Don't worry," she smiled, "You'll be able to get out of here as soon as we set everything up." You nodded, picking up your own bottle and slinging the small towel over your shoulder.

"Thanks, Ayaka." You replied with a sigh. "If you don't need me, I think I'll go rest now." She nodded, gathering her things.

"Right, I'll see you later, Y/n." With that, you went back into the estate, this time easily able to navigate your way back to your room.

Since you probably wouldn't be needed for a while, you planned to take another nap back in your room. Ever since Thoma had given you that dog plush, you'd been able to sleep here so much easier. It was a little embarrassing to admit that that was all it had taken, but you were grateful for it anyway.

Still, you'd much rather had been out walking through the route. As nice as it was to lay in bed in your room, you wanted to do something instead of just getting ready to do things.

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