Remember me

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A/N: I'm alive haha😭 I swear I'm so sorry to let you wait for so long but I was stressed out a lot because of school and some private stuff that I couldn't bring myself to write anything. Anyways, I hope I won't disappear again and to upload more regularly so you guys don't have to wait that long anymore
Sorry again, but now, enjoy the chapter

"Hey! You can't just lock me up here like this! I didn't do anything!"

Y/N wrapped her hands around the ice-cold cell bars, tugging and shaking them as if that would change anything, as if it would set her free. But no matter how much she screamed, nothing moved and no one answered her. Instead, she was confronted with an icy silence, just like the one that spread from day to day in her heart. She had fought for so long to finally get out of the clutches of her old mansion only to find herself in a dungeon again.

Life wasn't fair, when Y/N thought about it, it had never been very fair to her. She had constantly slipped from one misery into the next. Starting with the day the king's guards stormed her village and she had been separated from her longest and only friend.

The memories were as clear as that day, it was almost as if she had been transported back in time.



The young girl screamed as loud as she could, but even then she couldn't fight the battle cries and sounds. Everything was happening far to quickly. The people of her village were running away in panic, children were screaming for their parents who they had lost in all the chaos, women were crying for their deceased husbands, and blood was everywhere.

Y/N stood in the middle of the village she had once called home. The several houses were in flames, had been destroyed and were becoming completely unrecognizable. With each of these houses, the young girl was associated with so many memories, both good and bad.

The girl could already hear the blood rushing in her ears, her thoughts turned to nothing but Ravenna, whom she had completely lost sight of since the attack. Was she alright? Had something happened to her? Would she be able to find her again?
Just the thought of having lost her best friend was enough to make the lump in her throat grow a little more.

But then she saw it, the blond patch of Ravenna's hair. She stood in the middle of a bloody battlefield, her eyes wide with fear, her body trembling slightly from both the bitter cold and the dread that ran through her small body.
Y/N exhaled in relief, Ravenna was fine.... She was alive, she had found her.


Again that name crossed her lips, but this time a lot calmer, not filled with so much fear. The one addressed turned at the mention of her name, her expression taking on something almost hopeful as she saw Y/N among the many destroyed houses.


Ravenna started to move, first slowly and hesitantly and then faster and faster she ran towards Y/N. She was already spreading her little arms, ready to welcome her best friend in them, to hold her tightly and not let go until all this was over. But the comforting embrace she was expecting did not come.

One of the king's guards came riding towards them on his black horse. Before Y/N knew it, the fighter clad in iron armor had grabbed Ravenna, dragging her along with him no matter how loudly she screamed and no matter how much she fidgeted. "No. Let go of me! Y/N!"
The blonde girl reached out for her friend, who was getting farther and farther away.

𝑭𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎 𝒂𝒍𝒍 // Ravenna x FemReaderWhere stories live. Discover now