Chapter 2

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[11 years later]

It was raining, the harsh rain drops falling over the old abandoned factory were making so much noise. It was dark inside the factory but some flashes of torches could be seen. 

A bunch of police officers were roaming inside, flashing torches everywhere in search of something, covering their noses with clothes as they could smell something really bad, a rotten smell probably. 

"Sir we have found something!" An officer's voice echoed in the empty factory, the other officers ran towards the source of the voice and as soon as they flashed the torches down on the ground, utter shock could be seen on their faces. 

There was a big dig in the ground and some decomposed dead bodies were lying inside it, the rotten smell was so strong around it. 

The policemen looked at their senior officer. 

"Take them out and send them to the forensic lab." He ordered and the policemen got to their work. 

The officer stared at the bodies. "Someone thinks the judicial system can't reach him." 


Doctor Y/N, practically has not become an official doctor yet she never thought in just her internship days, she would be delivering such a news.

"I'm sorry....We couldn't save him."

The woman in a doctor's attire spoke, her voice laced with apology, looking at the now dead person's family members.

Sudden loud cries filled the hospital corridor as the now widow woman Started weeping. Her son beside her, concealing his own tears, tried to hold her devastated mother and younger sister.

Sorry.... May sound like a very normal word but it's scary when it's spoken by a doctor. Just a simple word shatters the last string of hope a family has from a doctor.

You averted your eyes from the devastated family of three members you just delivered the news to, to the senior doctor you had assisted in this emergency operation. Mr Kang, your senior, merely nodded his head before you turned around and walked away from the scene.

The sound of their cries could still be heard as you were walking away with a blank face until you entered your cabin and shut the door.

"It was my first real emergency operation and.....I failed."

Although you just assisted the doctor, practically it was the failure of your senior and the fate of the now dead man yet it was hurting you much.

Sitting on the chair you put your head down, on your arm and closed your eyes. Maybe this is what every fresher doctor feels when it's their first real operation and the patient dies. And it's hell disturbing.

Suddenly your phone vibrates loudly as it is placed on the desk , stopping your train of thoughts. You look over it and a text from your mother is displayed on the screen. Your eyes averted to the time showing up on the screen.



The transparent windows of the house were glowing with yellow lights, the coldness outside lose before the warmth that came seeing your home.

The lock of the door moves as you open it and enter your home. The sweet smell of your home engulfed you immediately as you step in. Though it was a bad and exhausting day, coming back home feels like a big comfort hug.

You sigh feeling at peace.

"Mom, I'm home." You raised your voice a bit while putting your heels aside. Entering the living room you put your stuff on the table and sat on the couch. The tv was showing some dramas but you muted the volume and closed your eyes.

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