Chapter 8

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The door clicked while opening as Y/N entered her cabin, one hand holding the door knob while the other massaging her shoulder. A tired sigh left her lips.

Y/N closes the door behind and looks at the mop of black hair on the desk, Aera was sleeping so deep, her right cheek pressed on her arm, her lips parted, her hair spreading in every direction.

She looked so tired.

Y/N glances at the wall clock which shows 11:35Pm. Aera usually leaves around 10pm but tonight she insisted on staying because Y/N has to stay back till late.

"Aera." Walking closer to her desk, Y/N pats her cheek and caresses her soft hair. "C'mon, wake up, you can't sleep here." She again pats her cheek, this time a little tightly and Aera jolted out of sleep.

She looks up at her best friend with half open eyes, vision blur, her hair a mess.

Y/N chuckles watching Aera looking around lost and focusing at the clock with squinted eyes. "Are you finished?" She then asked, stretching her arms, arching her back sexily, trying to kick the sleep out of her system.

"Not yet, I still have to check a patient around midnight. But you don't need to stay here anymore, go home, you need rest."

Y/N lets out, gathering Aera's belongings before pushing them inside her handbag.

Soon both of them came out of their shared cabin and Y/N decided to walk Aera till the exit. So they were walking side by side when Aera opened her mouth.

"By the way, are you sure you'll be fine alone because..." Aera looked around before leaning her head closer to her best friend and whispered. "You know there are ghosts in here and what if you encounter one of them?" Her voice wasn't above a whisper.

Y/N glanced at Aera for once before leaning her head closer as well and whispering, "ooh ghosts? Did they themselves come to tell you they live here?"

Both of them were whispering as if they were talking about something so serious.

Aera shakes her head. "They didn't but you know people die here, their souls wander here." She whispered back, looking around to see if anyone was watching them. "Oh I didn't know this was a graveyard and not a hospital."

Y/N too whispered, wholly supporting her friend in the stupid act. "You mean this is a hospital and not a graveyard, silly!"

Aera whispered and smacked y/n's shoulder lightly, who got a very blank expression suddenly and Y/N slapped Aera's forehead. "It hurts!!" Aera's head was forced back as she winced, rubbing her red skin.

Y/N scoffed, putting her right palm on her waist. "Get out of here before I kick you by myself and you die and become a lonely ghost here." She lifted her left leg to pretend to kick Aera's butts while the latter was walking out.

Aera made a bla bla face before saying. "If I die, I'm dragging you to hell with me."


"Bye sweetheart, Hoping for you to meet a handsome ghost tonight." Aera winked before sprinting out of the building leaving Y/N standing alone with her index finger pointing out at no one.

Y/N shook her head, a little smile making its way to her lips. "Silly!"

At the back of the Moonjin hospital, in a closeby alley a black car was parked and nobody would have suspected it belonged to a Mafia Boss.

Taehyung's left hand was placed on the steering wheel, a wrist watch on display on his wrist, his head leaned back on the head of the seat, his jaw looking prominent.

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