Chapter 6

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Jungkook sharply looked at two men facing him, one man rolling the chain around his palm while the other one holding knives in his hands , he himself was gripping his knives tightly.

Jungkook whistled and right after the men attacked him. The clanks of knives with knives and chains echoed in the room. Jungkook was initially defending, stepping back but then he started attacking furiously. He had a deep frown on his forehead, his lips twitching in anger, his jaw clenching.

His long dark curly locks tied in a man bun.

Jungkook knows such kind of practice can hurt him badly but It isn't everyday Jungkook practices with knives and chains but sometimes he likes to torture himself. The torture on his body makes him forget some certain things whenever he wants to run away from something.

But today the reason for torturing himself was different. Jungkook's thoughts were occupied too much with a certain Miss Doctor he met five days ago. No matter what work he indulged himself into but doctor Y/N anyhow found her way into his thoughts.

And so Jungkook was here, tiring and torturing himself to the extent he can forget to even breathe.

But how come he's still thinking about her? Even if thinking about forgetting her , his thoughts are still revolving around her only.

Jungkook grunts as the iron chain made a hard impact with his arms. The man for a moment looked up at Jungkook, fearing for his life as he became the one to hurt Jeon Jungkook but one scary gaze from Jeon was enough for him to continue the attack.

Jungkook's jaw clenches harder, his orbs turning into something scary and angry.

Jeon Jungkook has never ever thought about a woman twice. His one night stands were always forgotten the very next morning. Sometimes he doesn't even remember the face of the woman he shared a bed with.

Then how? How is that familiar face of a certain doctor coming before his eyes again and again?

He isn't familiar with this feeling.

Jungkook didn't realize when he lost focus and failed to dodge the attack. He hissed loudly as the sharp knife cut through his stomach, exactly on his recent wound which was not bandaged now.

The fight halted immediately, the men looked at each other with big fearful eyes  seeing Jungkook grabbing the side of his waist which was now bleeding visibly. His white shirt becoming stained with red liquid.

“Mr Jeon—” the man cut himself off as Jungkook raised his hand in the air. His face twitched in pain.

Maybe Jungkook is meant to meet her again.

“Aahh, aah it hurts.” Y/N moaned in pain, her lips parted, her right palm placed over her butt while sitting down so slowly on the chair in her cabin. “My butt hurts, I can't feel my legs too. This damn fucking hurts”. Her eyes got closed in a grunt as finally she sat down.

A cracking laughter was heard across her causing her eyes to flutter open. “Did you finally get laid? Looks like a very rough tough night to me darling!” Jeong Aera threw her head back but all her laughter came to a halt as she received a flying blue file being thrown right on her face.

“Shut Up!! I did 100 squats! You hear me? 100 freaking squats in the morning, it's much more workout than freaking sex.” Y/N scoffed before massaging her thighs. “And Now I had to stand for an hour?ask me if I'm alive?”

Aera laughed again. “And I thought finally my bae lost her virginity. Who told you to do 100 squats huh? H u n d r e d.” Aera spelled out 100 and Y/N glared at her best friend.

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