Chapter 3

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The bus stops near an old bus stop of a village which is some kms away from Busan city and you get off of it.

Your hands immediately went inside the pockets of the long light brown coat you were wearing, as the cold wind hit you. The sun was hiding behind the gray clouds, the breeze was cold.

It's almost afternoon yet the air is fresh. You take a good deep breath, looking at your peaceful surroundings, the farm fields on both the sides of the road. And you started walking while taking in the sight.

"Nothing much has changed." You're coming here after a year or so. Your family used to live here years ago. When you were five years old ,you and your parents shifted to Busan but after a year your grandfather passed away so your father tried to convince your grandmother to shift with you guys but she refused. She wanted to stay here only, running that old noodle shop.

A small smile tugged your lips up as you could see grandma's home now. Reaching near it your eyes went to the small flower garden across the shop. Your grandma still does gardening, she loves it.

Your head peeked inside the shop through the open door and immediately spotting an old lady wearing a pink cardigan sitting on a chair with her back facing you, you broke into a smile and approached her with quiet steps.

Putting your hands on her shoulder you leaned down. "GrandMA." She flinched hard, the sweater she was knitting almost fell down. Her head turned back to you with a shock written on her face but as soon as she saw you, the shock turned into surprise.

"Y/N!!!" She stood up, putting the sweater aside on a table. Her face showed more wrinkles as she smiled so wide. "What a surprise my child!" And without delay she pulled you in her arms. "I was missing you just this morning and you're here! Aigoo my
Y/N will live long." She caressed your hair with her rough hands before cupping your face.

"I know my granny was missing me, I was missing you too." Cupping her cheeks you shake her face slightly in fondness. "How's my crime partner doing recently?" You asked cheerfully while holding her hand and shoulder and taking her inside as it was cold here out in the shop. "I'm doing better than your mother who's younger than me." Her faint voice and your faint laughter could be heard out.

"Mom told me you've called a week ago. I'm sorry granny, I couldn't talk to you. The work was hectic." Your index finger traced the outline of the cup of a hot drink.

"I know I know, my Y/N has become a doctor now. Big position brings big responsibilities. But I'm so proud of you Y/N. So much." She holds your head before leaning you forward and kissing the top of it. You smiled out and looked down.

"I couldn't call you to give you the good news that I've entered into my internship phase a month ago. It's quite hectic right now."

She nods while listening to you. "What about you wanting to be an obstetrician?" She asked while sipping her tea. "That will take quite some time, I need more money for its training. So till then I'll be in the emergency department."

"I've faith in you my sweetie." And that made you smile cheekily while nodding.

Those days were tough for your family. After your father passed away when you were 12 years old, your mother got a Job in a kindergarten school and her pay was enough for you two to live decently. But your studies were expensive. So you had done a lot of part time Jobs besides studies and after cracking some exams somehow you managed to enter the medical field on the basis of scholarship.

"Ajumeoni." Your thoughts were interrupted as a customer called for your grandmother while entering the shop. "Yes!" She replied standing up and walking outside.

You finished the drink and snacks before standing up and walking behind her. "Grandma, You attend to the customers, I'll go take a walk around."

"Okay be careful, don't go too far."

Nodding you walked out of the shop. With slow steps you went near the flower garden and stared at the flowers. They're all of different varieties, but some of them aren't blooming as it isn't their season plus the cold weather and no sun. Sighing you then walked away.

You were wandering around the neighborhood with your hands clasped behind your back. Some people were sitting around a fire, warming up their hands while talking and some kids were playing around the corner.

The quietness carried your feets far and far away until you realized the area was quieter.

Actually complete silence.

You look at the shabby locked houses. The area looked abandoned. "Looks like people have shifted away." Muttering, you walked ahead and spotted a rustic bench. Cleaning it with a dry leaf you took a seat and exhaled.

It has been a few minutes of you resting there leaning back with closed eyes until all of a sudden a water droplet falls on your cheek causing you to open your eyes in a snap. The sky was wholly embraced with dark gray clouds, the daylight had turned slightly dark.

One drop

Two drop

Three drop

And light rain started pouring down.

"Please!! Not now." You immediately stood up and putting a hand over your head you started walking at a faster pace. The street was all empty. Your gaze was down on the road as you were avoiding stepping in pits and dirty water.

You took a turn into another alley but as you look up straight, you weren't the only one in the lonely street.

Your pace slowed down seeing a figure of a man walking in your direction. You first noticed his all black attire. His head was lowered and the way he was walking with the support of a wall. He didn't look in a stable condition. "Drunk"?

Avoiding him you started walking again but as you were nearing him you noticed him holding his waist with the right arm. He didn't look drunk but probably injured. You came a little more forward, 10 steps away from him. At first you were hesitating, he was giving vibes as if anyone even dare to touch him right now then he'd hurt the person without a second thought. His head was lowered with his wet long bangs falling forward so you couldn't see his face properly.

"Hey!...Is anything wrong?" You hesitantly asked but instead of replying he winced and tried to grip the wall tightly. Without caring this time you neared him with big eyes looking at him up and down. "Are you alright??" This time you asked a little louder.

And the very next moment a pair of dark and red lined eyes meet your black ones. His wet dark locks were Falling over his eyes like a curtain yet you could feel the anger in them. For instance a coldness pierced through your gut. He then lowered his head again and before you could say anything more, he leaned down before kneeling down on the ground.

You immediately knelt down near him with wide eyes, still maintaining a distance. "Hey!! Look at me, what's wrong?" Hesitantly you put your hand on his left shoulder and tried to look at his face.

"Are you-" when he didn't resist your touch you firmly held both of his shoulders and as soon as you did, his hands dropped to his sides, his head hung low and his body leaned back as he went unconscious.

But you pulled him to yourself instantly before he could hit the ground. And due to the instant pull his head falls on your shoulder, his body leaned over yours.

The rain started pouring heavily and in a lonely street you were drenched with an unconscious injured unknown man in your arms.

His tired body finally gave up.

Author : So i would like to know in the comments how are you guys feeling about our mafias coming back???? 🚶🚶🚶🚶

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