Chapter 4

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Never have you thought one day you would help a man carrying him on your back. He was in no condition of even taking a step on his own so you were left with no other option than to carry his body on your back. And oh his weight! With very much difficulty you had managed to pull him on your back which left you breathless. You felt like you had a heavy rock on your back but even a big rock would be lighter than him at this moment.

Heavy steps, heavy breaths. It's still raining and the wet street is not helping you at all. You lifted your head up and saw your granny's home. "Just a little more Y/N, c'mon." By now your body was leaning forward so much, almost 90°. His wet cheek and hair were touching yours. Actually glued to your face but you paid more attention to walking carefully, too afraid to fall face first and moreover hurt him more.

Somehow you managed to reach the back gate of your granny's home and put your head on it. You were in no condition to kick it open with your leg unless you wanted to fall with him. His head also hit the door with yours and you pushed the door open with your head. Luckily it wasn't locked.

You stepped inside, dirtying the floor with wetness and mud. With wobbly legs you went to the first room you saw which was the guest room on the right side of the corridor. And as soon as you entered, instead of lying him on bed you carefully dropped his drenched body on the floor. With much difficulty again!

And oh!! As soon as his body lifted off of your back, you moaned in pain, catching on your breath. Crawling to the bed you took its support while standing up on your feet.

"GrandMA!!!" With your hands on your back you slowly slowly straighten up and moan again as the pain shoots up in your back from top to bottom. Your head turned to the man lying on the floor, glaring daggers at him.

"Y/N--" the door of the room fluttered open revealing your old grandma standing at the door and looking shocked seeing the stranger lying on the floor, wet clothes and disheveled condition. She gasped slightly and with a wide open mouth her gaze came up on you. "Oh my god! Y/N who's he??what happened to him-

"Grandma, I'll tell you everything later. There's no time for that ,first bring me my spare clothes and a sheet which you don't use. And please look for a heater too." The old lady didn't know what to respond as she couldn't just wrap her mind around what was happening so she just turned around to leave in a hurry but your voice stopped her. "The most important thing, I want a first aid kit. I doubt the medical store is open right now, it's raining like cats and dogs."

"Calm down Doctor Y/N. Your patient will be fine." Her words made you look up at her from the stranger. You raised your brows but before you could reply she already left the room hurriedly.


You were glad. You were glad that you found the injured stranger and he didn't have to lie lifeless on the abandoned street in the rain. It's still raining outside but not as heavy as before, like the clouds calmed down from their climax.

The stranger's body is still on the floor but beneath him is a wide brown blanket which is quite warm. He's shirtless and his body is dried up. Several cotton balls soaked in blood were lying around his figure. A white bandage wrapped around his waist neatly.

The moment you had taken off his clothes, his stomach was covered in blood. Thankfully your grandma left you alone to treat him otherwise she couldn't bear seeing too much blood.

He had a wound on the left side of his stomach which was quite deep but didn't need stitches, it looked as if it was caused by multiple strokes with a sharp object. Imagining it made you hissed slightly. Not only this ,he had small cuts here and there on his arms on which you applied the tube and left them open.

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