Chapter II - Release

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The intercom beeped as an automated voice began to speak through it. "Attention all personnel, Castle Rock is undergoing a site-wide power-outage. Because of the severity of the outage, the facility will be put on Lockdown until further notice. The backup generators for dim-lights will be activated shortly."

The broadcast cut off.

The world was black. you felt like there was something in your mouth. You... Soon realized you were biting on something. A respirator? Some sort of breathing mask? It didn't help the whole time that you felt as if you were floating. You faintly heard voices like they were underwater. A mix of yelling and loud banging... You couldn't make out what it was. You could tell you were conscious, but also not conscious at the same time. You heard a popping sound like a bubble underwater combined with the feeling of your mouth being freed of that feeling of discomfort.

It wasn't long before you opened your eyes and looked around inside of the confines of the test-tube like thing you are inside of. You panicked, realizing your submerged in purple fluids and you couldn't breathe inside of it. You began to kick and beat on the glass, only stopping to see fleeing scientists and bullets firing past you and the rest of the tubes beside you. Losing oxygen, you began to kick and slam on the glass harder before it finally broke open. The liquid inside and you spilled out on the cold tiled floor. You coughed intensely, almost throwing up as you were gasping for breath as you spit out some of that purple ilk. Your hair, longer than you could ever remember, hung on over your face like a wet mop. It was soaking wet, your body still in good shape surprisingly, you felt decent but dazed, weak in the legs as you rose to your feet, barefoot. You could see guards shooting at other figures. Some looking similar to you... Then it clicked. You just broke out of something and those "people" want you dead. they're shooting the very same people that are in rags and came out of the tubes on your right. Thankfully, you were the second from last tube on the left and were near a door leading to a 4 way intersection hallway. Before you could decide what to do, you realized something about you isn't right. Your hair isn't the original (H/C) it used to be, that you could vaguely remember. It wasn't always this color... Was it? You blinked twice.

"Hey! Got a live one!"
A deep, commanding voice from one of the assumed guards down the hallway shouted as he pointed at you. You could only make out his silhouette from the dim lights in the room. You staggered, running towards the first open door you seen down one of the intersections and dodging inside of it. You were shivering, it was cold. So cold. You didn't even have proper clothes on... You were wearing a soaking wet grey tank-top and black shorts that went down to your cut knees. You were bare-foot.
You had a throbbing headache as you remained on the floor for a moment. You looked at your cut and bloodied hands. Your skin was a pale yellowish-color. What were they doing to you?

You continued staggering like a drunkard down the hallway from the door behind you. You heard more yelling and gunfire. Screeching of supernatural entities gave your heart a stroke a fear. You found a door, wooden. You fumbled the knob and weakly opened the door, grunting as your newly white colored hair brushed in your way. You were getting drier but, still in pain and cut in your legs. You shut the door behind you, your eyes squinting for a light switch or anything, you tried to flick it on with no avail. The power was out. You groaned with annoyance as you pushed your back against the wall on the left of the door, slowly sliding down in the dark room. Whimpering to yourself. Your legs they hurt so bad. The bleeding wouldn't stop. You began to pick at your legs. You could feel your warm blood on your fingers. You also felt something sharp, rigid. You pulled it without thinking. The sharp piece of glass coming out of your leg below your knee as you moaned in sudden pain. Your body was aching. You could hear footsteps and alarms, gunfire and even more thuds and chaos.

When was it going to end?
You coughed, wiping more purple liquid from your mouth as you sat in the dark. The light flickered in the room for a moment, the after-image in your eyes allowed to you spot a small table across from you. You didn't have the energy to get up on your feet, so you crawled on your side to the desk. Pulling yourself up to it by grasping the ends and fumbling your hands on it. You felt then outline of a Study Lamp. You managed to feel the small switch on the base of it and switched it on. That's when you started to smell something.

Something foul.

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