I'm Going Slightly Mad

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When the outside temperature rises

And the meaning is oh so clear

One thousand and one yellow daffodils

Begin to dance in front of you - oh dear

Are they trying to tell you something ?

You're missing that one final screw

You're simply not in the pink my dear

To be honest you haven't got a clue...

I’m Going Slightly Mad

Jay Paule

NaNoWriMo 2012

Title and lyrics from Queen's 'I'm Going Slightly Mad'

It started out simple. Simple, and easy, and fantastic, like nothing could go wrong. In Aaron’s opinion, this was the way it should be.

His grades were almost perfect. His was majoring in something he'd always been passionate about, something he loved, and it showed in his GPA, especially considering how little of his time he spent studying. He didn’t need a job, thanks to his parents paying all of his expenses, so he had plenty of free time. He even had a girlfriend, miracle of miracles. She was pretty, and bright, and, well, she could certainly have a little less energy, but that didn't make her any less great.

Everything was perfect, and Aaron wanted it to stay that way. Aaron didn’t always get what he wanted, however. Usually he did. He was spoiled and proud of it, after all, but there was the rare occasion when things didn’t quite go his way, and he had to throw a fit about it.

For now, however, everything was good. Aaron had to wonder, though: how long would it stay that way?


The bed shifted, stirring him. He clung to sleep, curling up into a ball and pulling the covers closer. Someone giggled happily, far too happily for how early it must be, which meant it could be only one person.

He slowly blinked awake, eyes focusing on the best sight he could think to wake up to: Jenna climbing out of bed, naked, save for one of his shirts. She had to wear it like a dress, as it almost reached her knees, but Jenna looked beautiful no matter what she wore.

He smiled lazily. He had the best girlfriend ever. Even if she did wake him up at six AM every time she stayed over.

“You awake?” she asked as she pulled clothes from her overnight bag.

“Mmhm,” he hummed, rolling onto his back and stretching as far as he could. His fingers bumped against the headboard and his toes caught in the sheets before he went limp, sprawling across the bed.

Jenna wandered into the bathroom, not bothering to close the door as she changed into actual clothes and started working on her hair, much to Aaron’s delight.

He could get up now. He could drag himself out of bed and get ready for the day with his girlfriend. Or he could sleep for another hour. Hard decision. A decision Jenna made for him as she came back and pulled open the curtains, letting the sun flood the room, casting it in impossibly bright light. The dark blue color scheme of the bedroom provided some relief from the blinding light, but Aaron still felt like his retinas were burning.

Aaron groaned, shoving his head under his pillow. “Why would you do that?”

“It’s time to get up,” Jenna said, gently prying the pillow from his hands.

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