What Does this make us?

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I stepped into the wooden house afraid of Darry's reaction. I walked in to find him sitting and reading the newspaper. He put it down slightly and smiled. He put it down all the way and saw Angel making his smile disappear. "What's that?" He said with a dark tone. "My new dog Angel." I said with a sort of confidence. All that confidence washed away when he started to stand. "Please Darry! I beg you to let me keep him. I'll take care of him and train him! Please!" I begged as he got closer. "If you can train him by the end of next week he can stay for good." He said and walked away. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and put Angel on the floor. I went to the kitchen and got some hot dogs and cut them in little pieces and put them in a tiny plastic bowl and put it in the ground for Angel. He quickly ate his food and I took him to the yard to do his business.
A/N-From this point I was listening to Kiss Me by Ed Sheran and it kind of fit so if ypu want put it on and comment what you thought??
As I layed on the couch looking at the ceiling, I heard a squeek that made Angel jump to his feet. I looked to the door and saw Pony trying to sneak in. "Sorry." He said noticing me looking at him. I stayed silent still pissed off at him. I layed back down which made Angel rest his head back onthe couch against my leg. Pony started walking to his room but stopped. He turned to me and sat on my bed. I sat up slowly and slouched my back. "Why were you mad at me earlier?" He asked silently, looking at his lap. I feel like now is a good time to just come out and say it. "Pony. Is it really not obvious?" I said with a slight attitude. "What's obvious?" He asked looking at me. I leaned in slowly and kissed his soft lips. "Oh." He said starting to get a little red. "Yeah. I like you." I said. Before he said anything else I cut him off. "Goodnight Ponyboy." I layed facing the opposite way thinking he was gonna leave. I felt the couch sink next to me and then felt his arms slowly and tightly wrap around me. I felt a smile rush to my face and my eyes fall closed.

Next morning
"How cute!" "Did you take the picture yet Soda?" "I like that they're together but not this close!" "Shhhh. They're gonna wake up. Hurry and take the god damn picture!" A loud click went off making me sqirm and an arm tighten around me. I opened my eyes slightly to see blueness. I rubbed my eyes confused and still saw blueness. I looked up to see Pony's soft face snoring quietly. I then looked up to see all the guys huddled around us. I glared at them and they all put their mouths in an 'o' shape knowing they just got caught. They all scattered away and I giggled a little which made Pony's embrace tighter. He lossened it a bit and cleared his throat, signaling he was awake. I kept my focus on the blue and felt his head move. His soft lips came in contact with my forehead, pressing them there for a bit and letting go. He let me scoot away a bit but didn't let go of me. He looked into my eyes and I looked into his. "Umm. What does this make us Pony? I hate not knowing what you're thinking." I said quietly. "Well I like you a lot Priscilla. A while ago I started to wonder what the point was of chasing after a girl that won't ever notice me. But last night. The kiss. I fell all over again." He said smiling big. I smiled back but not as big. I put both of my hands against his cheeks and rubbed my thumbs back and fourth. I finally stopped and pulled him close to me putting my forehead to his. Letting the moment sink in. Feeling his skin with mine. I moved and pressed my lips against his, moving my hands from his cheeks to the back of his head playing with his hair. He moved his lips against mine and layed his hand on my cheek. It was perfect, like something I would imagine in my mind. But it was happening. He pulled away from my lips. "Priscilla. Will you be mine for forever?" He asked with a big blush and smile. I giggled and pecked his lips quickly. "Is that a yes?" He asked. "Yes Ponyboy. For forever." I said with a smile on my face. There was suddenly fits of cheer and applauding. We both looked to where it was coming from and saw the boys. Angel next to them jumping, running and barking. The boys went to us still cheering jumping on both of us.
I was at the house reading on Soda and Pony's bed while everyone was out doing whatever they were doing. Angel sat next to me chewing on a toy Johnny got him. He bit hard enough to where it squeeked. He jumped to his feet and barked. I laughed and he ran to me licking my face, making me laugh more. I grabbed his toy and squeeked it, getting his attention away from me. He looked at the toy that I held in the air and threw it. He hopped of the bed scurrying into the hallway after it. I giggled quietly. I heard his nails against the wooden floor. His head popped through the doorway with the toy in his mouth. He stayed thereas if asking for permission. I looked at him questionally and patted my hang against the bed. He then ran and jumped onto the bed laying and playing with his toy. After a bit of me reading more, Angel sat up looking at me. I looked and him and he started to whine. "What's wrong boy?" I asked, making him whine more. "Outside?" I asked him. He stood up all the way and started moving around hurringly. I got up and followed him to the front door. He whined more and I opened up the door, he quickly ran outside and did his business. He did it! "Good boy!" I said to him. He barked and wagged his tail wildly. I get to keep him!
Me and Pony were hanging out watching a movie, but he's now asleep on my lap. I played with his hair since I was bored. But it was kind of funny because I would pull his hair one way and it would just bounce back to place because of all the hair gel he puts on. I started giggling and saw his lips pull into a smile. I kissed his smile, turning it into a smirk. He pulled me back down and layed me down. He kissed my lips gently and suddenly attacked my stomach making me laugh like crazy. "P-pony stop pleas-se!" I said through fits of laughter. He finally stopped and started to laugh at me. I stuck my tounge out at him and we heard a knock at the door. I got up pecking Pony's lips once more and answering the door. I saw my brother's smiling face and jumped on him. I haven't hung out with him in a while because of all the time with Ponyboy. "Hey little sister!" He said happily. "I got some movies and snacks and figured we can have a movie night?" He asked holding up a plastic bag. "Yeah. Sounds like fun." I said. "I'll leave you two to your time together." Ponyboy said getting off the couch and calling Angel. Angel ran to Pony and he locked his leash onto Angel's collar. "I'm gonna take Angel to the new dog park down the street. I'll see you later babe." Pony said pecking my lips before leaving with Angel. Babe? Since when does he call me babe? It was hot but he's never called me that. Now that I think of it he hasn't even called me anything. Should I be worried? I pushed the thought away so it won't ruin my night with Dally. Our night consisted of laughter, movies, and junk food. I miss seeing Dally everyday to be perfectly honest. But he is busy most of the time. At least tonight was good.

Authors Note:::::::::::::
HI GUYS! I hope you liked today's update. I feel like this was my longest update so far. But I will try to get another update tomorrow! I hope you guys like it so far and thanks for reading!

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