A Redhead and Brunette

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The long day consisted of joking and laughing with the gang while relaxing at the house. "Alright I got to get going before my dad wakes up to find me gone. I don't want another bruise on my cheek today." Johnny said walking out of the house with his hands stuffed into the pockets of his jean jacket. "Yeah I have a date tonight and so does Soda, so go get ready and don't be late tonight." Steve announced running out of the house, with my guess of catching up with Johnny. Soda stood up and smiled at all of us. "Talk to you later guys." Soda said leaving to his room. "Well I was thinking we should go to the drive-in tonight?" Dally said looking around at us. "That sounds like fun. I'm gonna start getting ready now." I said getting my butt of the couch. "Priscilla, it won't be dark for another three hours." Pony said looking confused. I looked to his and he gave me a smile. "Well I need some time tomget my hair done." I said smiking at the boys. Fits of laughter filled the room which made me laugh. I went to the bathroom and started to get ready.

Two and a half hours later....
As I finished up getting ready I heard Dally shouting my name. I gave myself one more look in the mirror and made my way to the living room to find Pony, Dally, and Johnny waiting for me. "Let's start walking." Dally said. We all started walking enjoying the silence from outside. I looked around and saw a little puppy in the street. I fell behind the guys and bent down near the dog patting my lap for it to come. "Come here baby. I won't hurt you." I said softly so the dog won't get away. It neared me slowly until it was right in front of me. I held my hand out and it sniffed my fingers. Once he was finished sniffing he slowly put pressure to my hang signaling I could hold it. I lifted it into my arms and stood up all the way. I rubbed it's ears softly and it closed it's eyes. I lifted it a bit and checked it's bottom for the gender of the little puppy. It's a cute little boy. I heard rocks get stepped on and quickly turned around. "Are you gonna keep him?" Pony said smiling a bit. "You know what. I think I will." I said looking to the dog and giving him a small kiss on the head. He smiled a cute smile and chuckled a bit. We walked together as Johnny and Dally walked ahead of us. "What you gonna name him?" He asked quietly. "Umm. I'm actually not sure. What do you think I should name him?" I asked while the pup licked my arm. Pony inspected the dog closely. "Angel." He said like it was the easiest thing in the world. I looked to the dog and thought of the name. Wow. It kind of does fit. I looked to Pony and smiled sweetly. "I like it." I said and handed Angel to Pony.

We arrived at the gate of the movies. Dally went under the gate first than Johnny. I layed in the ground and slowly pulled myself under the gate, Dally helping me to my feet. Pony set down Angel in the hole and he crawled under it well. He spotted me and ran to my feet jumping for me to lift him up, so i bent over and grabbed him as Pony got through. Dally gave me a questioning look. "He was in the streets. And now he's mine. Dally meet Angel." I said smiling big. Dally nodded still confused but we moved on and sat in the chair section. Pony sat next to me as we shared laughs. A redheaded girl and a brunette headed girl sat in front of us and Pony went quiet starring at the redhead. My smile left so quickly that I didn't even remember why my smile was there in the first place. Me being upset, I got up and heading for the bathroom. I turned on the sink and set Angel on the table top. He went up to the running foset and automatically started licking the water, even started biting it. I laughed quietly and he looked to me. I turned off the water and lifted him back into my arms. We walked slowly back to the seats so I don't have to feel much heartbreak. Once I got back I saw Pony and Johnny on either side of the girls. Angel jumped from my arms and he barked at the girls. Whining for Pony. Tears filled my eyes as I walked over to get Angel. The redhead tried to pick up Angel but I grabbed him before she could. Pony looked at me concerned that I was crying. "Scil, what's wrong?" He said looking at me deeply. "Nothing." I said rudely. "I'm going home." I said and walked away quickly. I walked home alone. Sad and happy. Sad about Pony and that girl. But happy because I got Angel, and he makes me happy. He's gonna be a great companion on the great and terrible journey called life. And I already love him with all my heart. Now time to show Darry and see what will happen. Not that excited.

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