The girl in the gang (Ponyboy fanfic)

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"Priscilla! Wake up Scil!" I heard my big brother Dally call. I slowly opened my eyes being shined from the sun coming through the window. "Get ready, pack your stuff. Darry said you can stay over there for a while so you aren't getting touched by pervy guys from the bar." He said leaving the room for me to change. I got up and and looked at myself in the mirror. I did a bit of eye makeup and put my hair up. I got on a pair of capree pants and my red shirt, I slipped on my shoes and tied my bandana on my head. I packed most of my belongings and grabbed my book and homework. I walked down the stairs and saw Dally with a smoke in his mouth. "I'm ready." I said. He gave me a smirk and took his cigarette in between his fingers. "What?" I asked. "Are you dressed so nicely for Pony?" He asked his smirk growing. I felt my cheeks heating up and I put my head down. "Let's go..." I said and he held my bag for me. We walked down the road and ran into Soda, Steve, and Two-Bit. Before they noticed us I ran and jumped onto Two-bit's back and held on tight. He turned in circles to get me off but in the end we were both in fits of laughter. "What you guys doing here?" Soda asked giving me a big squeeze. "I'm staying with you for a bit." I said with a big smile. "That's great.....especially for you and Ponyboy."Steve said which made everyone laugh. I rolled my eyes and we all walked.

Ponyboy. He's part of the gang too, but I don't consider him as one of my brothers. I've liked him since we first met and that was a while back. But I never knew what he thought about me. I'm surprised he's never noticed that I like him. But oh well right, I can't really do anything about it.

As we arrived I walked to Darry to hug and thank him for letting me stay. The room got quiet as we heard shouting. We all ran out of the house to see a group of socs with a blade pulled on a kid. I felt like my feet haven't moved that fast in a very long time. The socs heard our shouting and got up running to their car. As the guys went after them, I quickly knelt down next to Pony seeing the slit in his kneck, as tears slowly showed in his eyes the boys ran to us. "Are you alright Pony?" I asked, my face obvious with concern. Johnny and Soda helped him up from the ground. I walked next to Dally and Johnny as we all listened to Darry and Pony argue. I looked at Johnny and he smiled sweetly at me. I returned the smile and he gave me a hug from the side. Darry rushed inside pissed and we all walked into the front yard. Soda and I walked in leaving Johnny, Dally, and Pony outside. I grabbed my bag and headed to Soda and Pony's room. I grabbed my book and sat on their bed. I read through the words of Shakespeare and heard footsteps coming closer. Pony walked in and saw me, he flashed a quick smile and sat at his desk finishing homework.

After dinner Pony and Soda helped me get settled and pulled out the bed from the couch. As the boys grabbed a pillow and blanket for me I went and looked for Darry. I saw the light gleam from under Darry's bedroom and knocked slowly. "Come in." I heard his deep voice. I opened his door and sat on his bed. "Thanks for letting me stay here. I'm glad to be getting away from... those men." I tried my best to hold in the tears. "Well thanks and night Darry." I said and hugged him guickly, rushing out of the room, closing his door. I walked down the hall slowly and let myself slide down the wall letting the tears fall. I covered my face with my hands. "Priscilla?" I heard a gentle voice and I quickly wiped my face and looked up to see Pony. I got up quickly and tried rushing by. He grabbed my arm and held me back. He looked me in the eyes deeply and held me. I cried more. "What happened Scil?" He asked squeezing me trying to control my shaking. I slowly let go of him and wiped my eyes. "Please promise not to say anything to anyone." I said seriously to him."I promise." He said looking at me closely as I'm going to shatter any minute. I took a deep breath in and started speaking. "Well..." I started but Soda walked in. "I'll tell you later." I said hugging him once more and giving him a peck on the cheek and doing the same for Soda. "Night boys. Sweet dreams."

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