Chapter 9

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<Paige's Pov>
I sat down by Elizabeth and Johnnie and held Elizabeth's hand.

"How is he?" I spoke softly.

"Not good. He-he has to have his stomach pumped and possibly stitches in his wrist." A tear slid down my face.

"This is all my fault!" I whispered to my self.

"Honey this is not your fault! Do not think for one minute it's your fault! Hayes was obviously going through something that he don't tell anyone and it became too much to handle for him."

"You don't get it! It IS my fault! Hayes came home high and he promised me that he wasn't going to do anything like that! He swore he wouldn't! So when he came home I went off on him and told him I didn't want to talk to him that he was scaring me and he got mad at me and went home. He would stop texting me so I finally had Nash tell him to stop texting me. A few Hours went by and he actually listened. But when Nash and Rose fell asleep I got a text from him out of no where it was pretty long and it scared me. I realized what the text meant. I rushed out of the house and into your house I ran upstairs and found him in the bath little bubbles coming out of his mouth. Blood flowing out of his wrists. I called 911 and they rushed over to your house. That's when you guys got there. Then I went back to your guys house I left my phone thee and I found these." I said as I pulled out all the letters with everyone's names on them. Elizabeth grabbed hers and Skylynns the Johnnie grabbed his and so did Nash.

"It's not your fault Paige! Hayes loves you and he just couldn't deal with the fact that he hurt you that much. I promise you that!!!" She wrapped her arms around me.

"Ok. Well I know you guys probably want to read your notes and be a family so I'm going to sit over there and read my note. "

"Don't be silly you are apart of our family! We don't want you to be alone right now!"

"I'm glad you said that but I think it's best if I go over there and read this. Also I need to call my dad and tell him what happened! And update Rose!"

"Ok sweetie, well if you need me or any of us we are right here." She said through sniffles. I walked over to a chair in the corner away from everyone in the waiting room and read my letter from Hayes...

I know you are probably think this is your fault but baby this isn't your fault. I was stupid and I should have listened to you and not gone to his house. I'm sorry I put you through so much bullcrap! You are the best thing that has happened to me! I can't imagine what I would have been if you went in my life. You wee the best thing that ever happened to me. I loved the way you came and visited me when I was in rehab and supported me more than anyone! That really meant a lot! If I could have one wish right now it would be that you can find someone that loves you as much as I did! Please keep perusing your dreams and never stop! This is probably really hard for you to deal with but please do not try and do anything stupid! Cuz if you do I swear ghostly self will come and haunt your ass! Babe please please please please please don't think for one minute that I didn't love you because I love you more than anything in this world. I would have taken a bullet for you! I would have done anything for you! Baby girl I'm glad I was your first and I'm sorry I can't be your last! I'm sorry that I'm your favorite hello but hardest goodbye! Now I don't want you to be sad so please stop crying and lets just take a moment to remember the good times tagged we had like when we see at the party and you know what happened. Or when we first met and I told you you were hot and you got mad. Or when you came over and I was drunk and we did the dirty.. Or how bout when I asked you out a few days ago. Out on the dock. Those were some good times! I just wanna end on this note right here. You are the most beautiful girl I've had ever seen, I love the way you scrunch your nose when you are focusing really hard on something. I love how you can always put a smile on my face and how you were always trying to find the best in me! You were the best at making me smile when I was in a bad mood! PAIGE HOPE YOU ARE THE BEST AND DONT LET ANYONE EVER TELL YOU DIFFERENT! I love you babe! <3 hope you have a great time on earth without me! Oh hey one more thing... ORANGE MUFFINS!
Forever with you,
Benjamin Hayes Grier (your boyfriend, babe, best friend, lover, whatever else makes you smile!)
After I read this not I was curled up on the floor bawling my eyes out. I felt someone wrap their arms around me it felt like Hayes but I knew it wasnt. I looked up and saw Nash sitting next to me. His eyes were red and puffy and his cheeks were tear stained. We sat on the floor and just cried on each other's shoulders.

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