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"What did you do!? What did you DO!?" Anika yells at me from across the field. I see the gashes from Leo's knives across her entire body and scream. I try to run but my feet are somehow planted into the ground."You killed me! it's your fault! IT'S YOUR FAULT!" she yells again.

I wake with a start and a scream. Anika was my ally. another tribute, Leo, he killed her. all because I knew she was injured in her leg and couldn't run that fast. I didn't help her. I was too focused on saving my own life to help her. I feel a soft, cool tear fighting to come out. I see Sami, my boyfriend, run into my room. "are you okay?" he asks. "yeah. i'm, i'm fine. just a dream." I reply. he starts to walk out. "wait!" I say. he stops. "will you stay with me? and help fight off the nightmares?" I ask. "of course. always." he says. and with a new human pillow, I drift into sleep.

today, I fear, is the day of the selecting. there is one every time a prince reaches 17 years of age and then all girls 16-19 years are eligible to be selected. selected to be a princess, and eventually, a queen. I, of course, am disgusted by that and I think that the prince is a self-centered brat. I mean, who else would pick from a random pool of girls that you have never met to be your wife except for a self-centered brat?

I, sadly, am 18 years old and am eligible for the selecting. I guess that I probably won't get picked because there are around 3.6 million girls that could be selected. I have 3 siblings and my brother and I are polar opposites. so are me and my mom. she believes that she can convince me into being excited about the selecting. like that's ever going to happen.

The viewing on the TV from the royal family is mandatory tonight. it doesn't matter what TV. the battered ones in everyone's houses, or the perfect one in the town square. I can squish up pretty small which means I usually go to the square but today I feel sick, so I stay home today.

"we will now pick seven names to become royalty! remember ladies, if your name is chosen, you will have 2 days to pack and say your goodbyes. now let's get to it!" the king says. then the prince started walking to a huge glass bowl filled with rectangular strips of paper with girls' names on them. when he got there he reached his hand in, dug around for a little bit, and then pulled out a slip. "Jessica Thompson! congratulations! see you in 2 days!" i couldn't hear the rest of the broadcast. every noise has been blurred out. I can't breathe. I am suffocating.

I know 2 things only. I survived the 110th hunger games, and I have been picked to compete for a self-centered major brat.

GIF is Jess waking up from the nightmares


Hi there! thank you so much for reading this!

i love each and every one of my readers so much and this is my first book! so if you could comment any feedback (bad or good, i won't be offended) or ideas for the next couple chapters or another book, that would be so amazing!

Thanks again!



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