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"Dad," I looked around to see if anyone was watching. "what do you want. I'll give you anything. just tell me." I said, my voice was lower now. "Hmmm... let me think. no." my dad wasn't breaking unless I gave him something he really wanted. something he has been bothering me about for years. I sighed. "dad, i'll give up music, just let me love her." my dad let out a satisfied sigh and grin. "Fine" he said smugly. "you may go."


when I arrived at home, there were so many people waiting for me. I signed autographs, posed for pictures, and waved to a ton of people like a freaking princess. my mom is going to be royally pissed that i got eliminated, and i cant even tell her what the prince said about only loving me. its decided. I'm not telling her. I'm not going home quite yet. when I got in the car, I asked the chauffeur to drive me to the nearest club. (18 is the legal drinking age where I am)

I got dropped off and I got bombarded with questions from the bouncer. I guess I left my ID at the castle. they had to look me up in the system just in case. after I got let in I went straight to the bar. I needed a drink. I ordered my drink and watched intently as the bartender mixed it and shook it up.

after about 3 drinks, this guy came up to me. he had a small scar along the side of his face. I didn't know his name so I decided to call him scar. "Hey, can I buy you a drink?" Scar asked. "hmm, what about... NO!" I said. oh no. Scar looked mad... but he left me alone, so, that's good at least. about 15 minutes later, Scar came back with a drink in his hand. he leaned really close to my face and I could smell the alchohol on his breath. "I'm going to ask you this one more time. can I buy you a drink?" he asked. I was getting scared and was about to say yes just to please him, but then the prince's words rang in my head. If anyone touches you... so I said no. 

a little while later I was feeling really tired and droopy. Scar was still standing near me, eyeing me every chance he got. eventually, I fell, and his arms caught me. I was drunk enough that I thought it was the prince. "Alex?" I asked drunkenly. "No, its me." Scar said with a sly smirk.

and then I was out.


Hey guys, if you dont understand what just happened, Scar drugged her... I dont know, I thought it was a good idea...


Arweeno ෆ╹ .̮ ╹ෆ

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