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i feel slightly embarrassed as i walk up the stairs to my room to meet my maids. i look down at my feet as i pass a guard that looks confused. there is one about every 10 feet. after i pass one or two more, one stops me and says, "miss, you're not supposed to be out this late." late? "what time is it?" i ask. "it's 9:45 miss." oh my gosh! i have been out for a while! "im sorry sir, i didnt know. i was in the hospital wing." i told the guard. "well, you better hurry to your room lady..." he looks at my golden nametag "Jae." he says. i run really awkwardly. i trip, fall, get up and look down embarrassed. 

I walked into my room. it was beautiful. i saw 3 maids cleaning things that weren't even dirty. i was noticed and they came to me and curtsied to me in their maid dressses. my maids still managed to look beautiful even in their uniform.

 the maid in the middle steps forward and introduces herself. "my name is Isla. i am your head maid. at your service." she says. "you have a beatiful name!" i say. the maid to the right of my head maid steps forward. "my name is Evelynn. at your service." she said. "you also have a beatiful name!" I said again.  

then the maid to the left of my head maid stepped forward. "my name is Anika. at your service." i feel my skin go cold and the room starts spinning. "Are you ok miss?" Anika says, but i can barely hear her. i sink down onto my knees. i feel sick. i start losing my vision. i start to fall. Evelynn starts to yell for help. then, i completely blackout. but before i do, one memory comes to my mind.

a girl named Anika, was my best friend, and ally, in the games.

pic is the maid dresses


hello! OK I GET IT YOUR MAD AT ME FOR MAKING ANOTHER SHORT CHAPTER. IM SORRY its actually starting to get really hard for me to come up with good content and cliffhangers for you guys, but just know that i really appreciate you guys as readers, even when i do short content when i promise for more. so, thank you.



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