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at breakfast, the prince made an announcement. in the room 2 doors down from the dining hall, etiquette classes would be held right after breakfast. after the classes, we would have luch in this dining hall, and the prince would individually call each girl up to his table for 5 minutes exactly and the prince and his family would talk to you and meet you for the first time, (except i already met him under worse circumstances).

i had sent my mom the journal and as i was walking to my etiquette class i heard whispering from inside a closed door. it was the prince. "im going to talk to her today while she is in the class. ill also dismiss some of them so ill interrupt 3 of them around the beginning  of their session. ill have to do it after they meet each other and Lilliana." i heard the prince say. in my heart i hoped i wouldnt be dismissed, but deep in my soul, i knew. i would probably be getting dismissed today. i shook the thought out of my head and kept moving along, keeping my head up.

i met the other girls and i immediately connected with Angel and Brook. Lilliana was our instructor. oh. no. the prince walked in. what is this fluttery feeling in my stomach? whats happening to me? the prince called Charlotte  over to the 2 chairs in the corner of the room. she came back to us, said goodbye, and walked out the door, stifling a sob. i guess she was one of the girls the prince dismissed. "Avery, could you come here with me please?" the prince said with a warm smile. when Avery came back, she masked her emotions way better than Charlotte. i couldn't tell what she was thinking although i could see tears forming in her eyes as she walked out the door, head held high. the last girl would probably be eliminated as well. 

 "Jess," a soft voice jolted me out of my thoughts. "You are the last one i need to speak with as of today. the rest of you may go back to your rooms. supper will be slightly delayed tonight." i slowly walked over to the prince, my heart thumping against my chest. "I may have gotten an indication of a certain someone-that means you-has a sliver of a crush on me, and you said it like it was a bad thing. so tell me Princess, are the rumors true?" he said with a small smirk, his eyes moving up and down, scanning my body. "i-uh-wha-huh-who told you?" i asked stammering. "Don't you know i personally inspect every single parcel that goes in and out of this palace by hand?" the gears started turning in my head. he saw the journal. "Why would i think you are 'needy'? because your health was compromised?" he asks, concern in his eyes. "Um, i-i guess? im sorry i should never have sent the journal, i should have known that you would inspect it. im so sorry, i guess you are going to dismiss me, so i'll get going-"

 "no, you're staying."


Hey guys! im sorry i havent posted in forever, i just got my computer to finally work and its the weekend, so i have time to write finally! i had to make a couple changes to my story, like i had to change her nickname from Jae to Jess because i just think its better that way...

im making a new book right now, i need a little bit to finish planning it, but then ill post it here! its called Stolen Kisses, please dont steal the name haha



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