18-Broken Hearts

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this is the only time i have actually felt something for any of the girls my dad has forced me into meeting. this is his fault. i didn't actually want to do this selecting. i wanted to go out into the world on my own and discover new people. but that didn't matter, now that i found the one and only woman my heart will ever desire.



i had a bad feeling about today. there was no reason why, i just didnt want to move from my bed because i felt like something bad was going to happen. i got up anyways. i had to get up to go to my classes with Lilliana.

i met Angelique and Brook about halfway there and we walked the rest of the way together, talking and giggling. when we entered the room the prince was already there. i saw the annoyed face shine through the fake smile he put on when another girl smothered up to him. the annoyance showed on my face. 

"Girl, are you ok? you have barely talked all day." Brook asked. "yeah, i-i'm fine. i just have a strange bad feeling about today, that's all." i said, still eyeing the girls showing themselves off to the prince. "Ah, Jess, there you are! i need to speak with you!" the prince said, his eyes flicking to the girls around him. "Lilliana, I'm going to take her to my room, I hope you don't mind..."

we walked in silence and when we reached Alex's room, I stepped in and he closed the door softly. 

his room was a dark, navy blue and there was a bow and arrows mounted to the wall. did he... do archery? I could just picture his muscles flexing through his shirt as he pulled the string back, face touching the light wood, lining up his shot. "Jess. are you listening?" his voice pulled me out of my thoughts. his eyes were glazed over, like he was about to cry. "Are you ok?" I asked. I wasn't going to hide it, I was scared. what was going to happen? "Jesus, I can't do this." he said, running a hand through his hair, pacing. 

"Jess, I have to eliminate you." his words were sharp, like a knife, and he just twisted it inside my heart. "what? why? Alex, are you ok?" I said, tears already streaming down my cheeks, burning their path. "Jess, I need you to know that this wasn't my decision. it was my dad." well, that makes sense.

 his thumb wiped the tears from my cheeks. he leaned in for a kiss but instead his lips brushed against my neck. he whispered in my ear, "you are the one i love, and i will come back for you. until then, if anybody touches you princess, you don't want to know what will happen, but it Will involve my personal firing squad, and the fact that i have a pardon for literally anything i do as long as i say it was for the good of the people." i gasped. his face stayed in the crook of my neck, tempting me to do terrible things. all rational thought disappeared as he devours my body with his eyes.

the strap of my dress slid down my arms, burning my skin. my dress itself slides down my body, revealing my most sensitive parts. 

"We can't be doing this" I whispered, ever so softly. "That's what makes it so good." he replied.


I woke up the next morning in the princes bed, the only thing covering me; a blanket. his fingers were tangled in my hair and I could feel him... braiding it? "You know how to braid hair?" I croaked. "I grew up with the only other man in the house being my dad and with 3 sisters." Oh my God. his morning voice was so hot. "You have sisters?" I asked. "Why didn't I meet them when I met the rest of your family?" I was so confused. "They were all off doing their own thing, getting married, you know, busy." oh. busy. that makes sense. "your plane should be getting here soon Princess, you should probably go." 

I did the walk of shame back to my room and put on the purplest day-dress I could find. purple is my mom's favorite color. I was going home. heh. fun... I heard a knock on my door and it was the prince. he was wearing sweats. I was surprised. "Hey, you know what would be a good tattoo? a little cartoon dinosaur. i love dinosaurs. by the waayyyy..." I said. "i'll get cold on the plane, I might need a hoodie..." I eyed his hoodie. he sighed, and pulled off his hoodie. it caught on his shirt, pulling it up and showing off the dragon tattoo with a sun. I pulled on his hoodie and stepped around him to get out of my room. 

I stepped in the plane and what do I know, my window was facing the one in the princes room. he was staring back at me. I waved goodbye and the plane whirred to life. tears streamed down my face. and we were off. for the second time, i was leaving the palace.

and this time, i wasn't coming back.


Hey, 815 words this time! im doing better! well, i have nothing else to say, so... byeee



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