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we got to the hospital wing and I yelled to the nurse, who was on lunch break. Why does it have to be everyone's lunch break!? "Please! help me! shes shot... I couldn't protect her... I need her... I cant live without her..." the nurse ran over and grabbed her from my arms. "Don't worry. we'll take care of her." the nurse said. "A-Alex..." Jess rasped. tears that I have been holding back for a while fell from my eyes at her words. "Don't worry Baby. the nurses will take good care of you..." I said, trying to comfort myself just as much as her.

someone shot me. this is what I remember:

I was lying in Alex's arms and I heard a shot ring out and I thought that one of Alex's soldiers had killed my kidnapper but I was oh so wrong. I felt something stab me in my chest, and then I felt what felt like a bee sting from that spot. then, the burning. it radiated out from my chest, and then the numbness. that was my favorite part. I couldn't feel anything. it spread through my body just like the burning, and then, everything just went black. I could still feel everything, I just couldn't see anything. I felt Alex running and yelling. I started feeling slightly weightless and my ears were ringing as I heard Alex whispering to me. eventually, what felt like hours later, I could speak, so the first thing I said was Alex's name. he whispered back to me that the nurses would take good care of me, so that meant I must be back in the castle. but then everything receded around me until it was just me in a pool of darkness.

I got shot.

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