Chapter 1: History likes to repeat itself

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Note because I couldn't find the names of the guardians living in the cloud (the one with the mk and syntax ep-) so I gave them my own. Enjoy!

"Jīnzi, I need you to hide okay? Don't come out until I say so."

"Don't you dare hurt her, you monster!"

"Why did you hurt my master!? Answer me!"

"I told you I wasn't going to break my promise if you broke yours!"

"Go home, M̶̗̦̻̜̅̓̋̽̇̂ͅí̶̜̺͎̰̞̺̦̞͐̒̾̈́̇̂̉h̵̛̗̎͂͂̌ǒ̷̘̺̗̤̳̦͖̯͆͒͋̀̀ứ̶̧̢̯͉̮͓̹̻̰̐̈̀̂͛͊͂ͅ, please. I . . . I can't return home yet."

"I can't go back . . . He'll kill me if sees me again-!"

"Bàba? Why didn't you stop him?"

Macaque gasped, jolting up from his slumber. He gripped onto his shirt as the shadow monkey tried to calm his raging heart. He took slow and shuddering deep breaths, until he was sure he couldn't hear his ragged breathing mix with his heartbeat.

Even after centuries, the memories of his past continued to bother him. Macaque rubbed his eyes and groaned, he was sure there were bags under there at this point. He contemplated going back to sleep, but decided against it once he recalled the past few moments.

Carefully, but quickly, Macaque shuffled out of his makeshift fort and stretched in freedom, letting his glamors fall for a moment. It felt odd to have his ears out again, having kept them hidden for long. The ambience of wind and soft cluttering of machinery put his mind to ease, and he almost wanted to stay where he was. Albeit the wind seemed to bring a phantom sting to the scar on his face every time it flew his way.

"Ah, I see you're awake, Macaque," A loud voice boomed across the room, scaring the shadow monkey. Hiding his features behind his glamor, he looked up to see the blue guardian stare at him with curiosity. "Would you like something to eat? My brother attempted to use that recipe you found a while ago, it turned out well."

"Oh? Well, I don't see why not." He followed the giant and looked around the library. If that was he could call it. The knowledge that flowed here was constantly updated, replaced, or removed all the time. Macaque tried keeping up with it, but once the digital world entered the cloud, he gave up and stuck to his own pace.

He wasn't sure how he found this place when he was running, but he was glad the guardians were kind enough to let him stay and hide from him. At least until he was strong enough to face his mistakes again. The shadow monkey was thankful they never questioned him about his reasons for hiding, nor did they force him to leave at some point.

Though Macaque doubted he'd ever leave such a wonderful place only to face death's door to begin with.

The sound of new messages echoed throughout the building, moving faster than they normally would. Macaque's ears flicked as he tried to catch snippets of videos that appeared and disappeared in the world of digital knowledge.

"OMG it's him-!"

"No way, I thought he was just a story-!"

"Is that his servant-?"

"Does that mean the Monkey King's-"

"Where is Monkey King-?"

"Wow I never thought the princess looked-"

Small snippets, but enough to let him know a big event had occurred in the mortal realm once again. No doubt the Great Sage had played a part in this, seeing how many people were talking about him like they used to in the past.

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