Chapter 13: A Lady's Return

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This was rushed, I'm sorry-

Exams are coming up so I'm trying to finish up the s1 part of this story before I'm gone again. I doubt I'll be able to focus on it too much because of s5 coming as well too so I'm trying to finish this as soon as possible. I don't think tissues are needed here, so enjoy!


After that day, Mk and Mei had a new contact in their phones- Redson. Redson was forced to have his phone blow up with messages and spam calls from them at every waking moment. He went as far as making himself a new phone at some point to carry instead of never having peace, but they managed to blow that one up with even more messages.

Mk chuckled as Redson sent a message in their group chat to stop bothering him, and knew that Mei would only double down, and so would he. He looked up, and saw Tang gorging down on a bowl of noodles again while Pigsy leisurely cooked, the store opening later for today as the pig prepared takeout meals.

Mei was- as expected- cackling as she began to spam the chat with pictures of her posing, fueling the fire. Sandy was off doing pottery classes, and Macaque...

Mk looked at the usual seat Macaque sat at when Tang wasn't here. It was the closest to the door, opposite of the bookworm. Oftentimes he had his kitten in front of him, or a plate of steamed sweet potatoes to eat, but in the past few weeks he's never entered the shop. Mk never felt his presence near him, not even when he was visiting Sandy.

He recalled the blue demon telling him that the shadow monkey had disappeared after he went to get some crafts for him to do. Bai he also seemed to not come to visit afterwards either, and Mk was worried if something had happened to him. Macaque would have told him if there were a change of plans, right?

A gust of wind passed into the shop, and everyone looked up as they saw a somewhat stout looking fellow by the door, his eyes wide with what may have been in hopes of good intention, but made him look like he longer functioned properly. His hair was faded into a dark gray, with a striking line of icy blue going right through it. He smiled brightly and waved at the group, before stepping inside.

"Hello everyone! I'm this city's mayor, do you happen to know where I can find the 'monkie kid?'" He asked, his tone a bit too chipper for Pigsy's liking. "I've come to give him a reward!"

Mk shot up at that. A reward?


The sound of iron clanging against stone echoed in the pit, and with every crack that came out of it, the whispers grew stronger. The bull family stood by the edge as they watched the machines toil away without hindrance, and finally, one clone managed to strike the weak spot.

The ground below erupted, sending the robots all around the workshop, and revealing the entrance of the coffin. The princess and Redson stood in front of it in awe, blue smoky whispers reaching out to both souls before retreating, the tomb keeping whatever creature existed inside completely trapped.

The Bull king stepped forward, and grinned devilishly. "Finally, the power can be mine..." He drawled, and reached his hand out to the lock. A sharp zap went through the king's body, forcing him to jolt back and away from the coffin in anger and surprise. The Bull king noticed the sigil across its lock, and he grew infuriated. "Another obstacle in my path to greatness?! Another struggle I must face to reach my destiny!" He bellowed, and used all his might to smash the sigil, but it only created a larger explosion and pushed the family away from the tomb. The whispers continued, acting almost as if it were mocking the demon for not being able to break open the box.

"Patience, my dear-" Princess Iron fan began, before looking at her husband in surprise when he turned to her, his voice still loud with anger.

"I've been patient for too long! I need this power now, before that ape returns and forces me back down a mountain!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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