Chapter 4: The Day Off

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Pigsy hummed to himself as he opened the window and door to his shop. He pulled out his trusty pot and grabbed a few vegetables before starting his morning work. The quiet sounds of birds chirping and voices of passerby's seemed to be the only noise the chef heard as he continued setting up his area.

It didn't take long before sunlight started to flood the little restaurant as the pig demon started to make noodles for upcoming orders. He barely acknowledged Tang's presence as the scholar entered the shop and sat in his usual place. "'Is a bit early for you, ain't it, Tang?"

Tang adjusted his glasses and smiled smugly. "It's never too early to visit an old friend," He pulled out the same book he always carried with him. "Can I have some more soup in mine today-?"

"Oh no you don't!" Pigsy slammed his spoon back into the pot and glared at the scholar. "You're gonna help send these orders to my customers today!" He grinned, scaring the other. "As a way of paying for all your meals."

"B-but I thought Mk does that?" Tang nervously smiled and leaned back. He only saw that look when Pigsy was at a limit.

"He's got a day off." Pigsy's grin widened, before he backed away and threw a helmet at him. "Now get going! We don't have all day!"

Tang yelped and caught the helmet, before grumbling about nonsense as he sulked his way to the cart. Pigsy smirked in triumph and went back to making noodles for the day.

Half an hour later, he heard the sound of his worker panicking at the time. He ignored the muffled sounds of glass shattering and garbage being thrown about in the alleyway after that, and barely spared a glance at Mk when he bursted into the establishment.

"Morning, Pigsy!" He huffed, his lungs out of breath. "Got any orders for me?"

The chef snorted. "No," He continued to work. "I said I'd give you the weekend off, so you can go do what you want today."

"But- who's gonna deliver the noodles?"

Pigsy pointed his ladle at the counter, where the scholar normally sat. "Tang volunteered, as a way to 'repay' for all the meals he's had." He turned back to the stove and continued working. "Now go, I ain't gonna give you days off all the time. Use 'em wisely."

Mk smiled and ran behind the counter. He hugged the pig demon for a second before he ran out of the shop, laughing as he heard his boss yell at him. "Thanks, Pigsy!"

Pigsy sighed and rolled his eyes. "That kid . . ." He smiled. "What else could you expect from someone as nice as him." He glanced at the clock before pouring out a bowl of noodles into a box and sealing it for another order.


"Can you read this book to me today, Mr. Macaque?" The small girl kept jumping in joy and excitement as she showed the shadow monkey yet another novel that piqued her interest. The guardians and Macaque found this was a good way for her to connect with them, not to mention they found her curiosity adorable.

It also seemed like a good way to distract her from whatever past she seemed to have too, so that was a bonus.

Macaque gently placed his hands on her shoulders and smiled warmly at her. "Okay, Bai he, let me see the book first." He accepted the book that was thrusted at him and glanced at the title. He raised an eyebrow, and his smile faltered. ". . . 'State of Silence?'" He glanced at the girl, whose eyes were shining with wonder. "A-are you sure? This isn't exactly a pretty book . . ."

Bai he nodded. "I read the summary, and it sounds awesome! I wanna know what happens to Ender! Please?" She pouted and clasped her hands together, before pulling out her powerful puppy eyes.

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