Chapter 12: Valerian Root Tea

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But jokes aside I do apologize for not updating sooner uni is painful and I'm in summer school rn for extra credit so that also made me take a further break from all of this. I managed to finally get through this and build the chapter bit by bit. Sorry if it seems wonky, it's been a while since I've written. I hope you enjoy it!


"Redson's in the lead now, he might just win it with the end so close!" Jin commented, and Yin nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, seeing how all the other contenders seem to be out of this race, it looks like Redson is going to win!" The brothers nodded, and Yin grabbed a nearby soda cup to drink as he and his brother watched the lights of the end track beam and signal to everyone that a racer was expected to reach it.

Redson laughed as he sped up, a manic grin on his face. Everyone was just as he desired- there were no peasants in his way to the finish line, and his parents were far behind by now. He would finally get that peach of immortality, and once he did, he would-

A large bang was heard, and a ripple of air gushed past Redson. He yelped as his vehicle bounced, before looking back dumbfounded. "Huh?"

A flurry of dust was descending the mountain, at a speed that was downright terrifying for even the twins to witness. "What the- oh!" Jin said as he stood up in awe and amazement. "Looks like Mei and Mk are back in the race!"

Mk and Mei were both screaming as one arm each hugged the other, and their other arms controlling the vehicle to go faster. Despite their speed, they were still lacking in catching up to the fire-wielding demon, so naturally they pressed the gas pedal in the hopes their speed would be enough to even graze the other contender.

It in fact, did not just graze the contender. Instead, it totaled both Redson's car, as well as Mk and Mei's.

Luckily, with the staff, Mk quickly repaired the car again, and even ended up adding Redson into their car, which pissed him off. Mk and Mei returned to their panicked screams, and even tried to shove each other in the cramped space to avoid getting burned. With no one at the controls, the car went flying, and all three fighters managed to pass the finish line without breaking the vehicle again.

"It is all over!" Jin yelled as Yin shot up from his seat and looked down in amazement. "Mei, Mk, and Redson have all won the race!"

Tang and Pigsy cheered from the shop, hugging each other tightly as they watched from the television their closest companions win the annual race with Redson.

Mei and Mk stumbled out of the car, and Redson simply jumped out fuming. He held the peach in his hands, before narrowing his eyes as both the noodle boy and dragon girl squished him between them to raise the peach high in the air. Fireworks went off as pictures and videos were taken of this year's winners.

"Ugh! You insufferable idiots!" Redson yelled as his hair burst into a colorful array of flames. "This peach was meant to be mine!" He said, and glared at the two heroes.

Mk stood in surprise, before scrunching up his face and snatching the peach out of Redson's hand. "Oh yeah? Well too bad!" He said, and hugged the golden peach. "You can't have it anyways!" He said, and chomped on it hard. He froze, and felt his teeth shatter from the bite alone. "Ah, ow, ow. I don't think it's ripe yet..." He said weakly, and rubbed his jaw in pain.

"Um, guys? It's just a trophy." Mei said as she took the golden peach and held it in her hands. Both men froze, and looked up at her in shock. "You don't \really get a peach of immortality-"

"What?!" Mk said as he and Redson both looked at her in surprise. "Buh-buh- but the poster says-!"

"It's says right there on the poster!" Redson exclaimed as he and Mk both held up matching posters of the race. Both of them looked at each other in confusion, for once finding something similar between them that neither understood for a second.

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