Chapter 10: The Old Hand on the Déclic

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I LIVE!!!! But I'll be honest I am very sorry I left this story behind for a while, but I'll be honest and let you know that real life has never been more busy for me. Hopefully you guys have fun with this!

Macaque meets Bai he's father, and old memories come back. The mini fun rivalry between Mei and Mk gets to be seen once more, though I think that bit was just to keep me going. 

Macaque and Bai he were walking outside again, heading to the pet store once more. Macaque had bid the group farewell, and reminded both Mk and Mei to be careful. Though, something in the back of his head said they'd ignore it anyways.

The two then continued their day walking around the city, looking for the pet store that seemed to summon the little strange family back every time for something new. Bai he held Xīng in her arms while holding onto Macaque's hand, her eyes wide with awe and curiosity with every turn they took. It made the shadow monkey's heart swell and clench at the same time. The girl was only 11- was it 12? He hadn't gotten her age yet- but she acted as though she was but a toddler seeing the city for the first time they went out.

It almost made Macaque want to find her parents and tear them from the head to their legs with slow and careful cuts to give them just enough agonizing torture that their daughter must have suffered from.

He wasn't actually expecting to see one of them, though.

"Papa!" Bai he suddenly yelled, making Macaque look at her in surprise. He looked up in the direction where her eyes were staring, and his jaw dropped.

"Jīnzi, I need you to hide okay? Don't come out until I say so."

"Liùěr Míhóu, move aside."

There, standing outside a small bookstore, was a tall man with fair skin. He had a small scar on his forehead, and a pair of clubmasters on his face. The top half of his hair was done up in a bun, and the bottom half was let loose down his shoulders, a purple streak shining through his hair as well. The man looked up when he heard Bai he's voice, and his eyes widened. "..Bai he?"

"Don't you dare hurt her, you monster!"

"This is the will of the Jade Emperor, and you will not forestall this any longer."

Bai he beamed and was about to go run to the man, but the hand that held Macaque's was gripped tightly, and she couldn't leave his grip. Bai he looked up at Macaque, confused. "Mr. Macaque..?"

The man then looked up at Macaque, and he froze.

Macaque's eyes were narrowed with rage, the natural golden hue in his irises now a hardened amber as he glared at the man. Had they not been in public, and had Bai he not called this damnation of a being her father, there was no telling how fast Macaque would tear his limbs off of him.

"Bàba, it hurts..."

"Liùěr Míhóu." The man said softly, still in surprise of who was holding his daughter's hand.

"Bàba, make it stop, please..."

"Erlang Shen." Macaque spat out with abhorrence.

Well wasn't this becoming a good day.


"This is huge!" Mk said as Mei finished cleaning up her bike. "Those other racers won't stand a chance!" He said, grinning widely.

"Right!" Mei said as she stood up proudly. "I know the track like the back of my hand- the back alleys, the front alleys, the sideways alleys-" Mei said excitedly, posing every time she mentioned 'alley'. "All the alleys! I was made for this!" She thrusted her fist into the air and grinned as she stood on her bike, already imagining the trophy in her hands.

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