Chapter 2: Secrets in the Mountain

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"You're doing better kiddo! Much better," Wukong smirked at Mk, who looked close to falling flat on his face. "You might wanna start watching your opponent's movements rather than just smacking the staff everywhere. But we can work on that next time!"

Mk gasped for air and beamed at his master. "You think so-?!" He raised his hands in the air for joy, only to fall backwards from exhaustion. He heard the golden monkey laugh from where he sat in the tree while he groaned. He forced his head to look at the Great Sage despite the feeling. "Am I really getting better?"

"Of course you are!" Wukong jumped off his branch and walked to his successor. "Way better than how you used to be, at least." He grabbed the human by his hoodie and pulled him up using his tail. "I'd say a break is an order for the rest of the day, yeah?"

"Wha- no!" Mk stumbled a bit trying to gain his balance before facing Wukong again. He grabbed his staff from the ground and got into a fighting stance. "I can keep going a bit longer!"

"I like the attitude, but your body is saying otherwise," Wukong lowered the staff from his face and walked back to his peach tree. "If you want to stay here longer, you can explore the mountain. Just stay away from the plum trees, okay?" He climbed the tree and pulled on one of the ripe fruits. "I don't want to keep you here and have that pig come here to yell at me for keeping his best worker from him."

"Wait- you mean it?" Mk grinned widely, and any exhaustion he might have had was gone in an instant. "Can I really explore the mountain?"

"I wouldn't have mentioned it if i didn't allow it," Wukong took a bite out of his peach and leaned back on the tree. "Just promise to leave the plum trees alone, okay? They're really important to me."

"I promise!" The young boy didn't stay still after that, and ran out the waterfall while jumping and hollering in joy. "I get to see the rest of the mountain!"

Wukong chuckled and smiled sadly where his successor was once standing. "Oh, Liùěr, if only you could be here . . ." His smile faded at the thought of his late lover and looked at the peach in his hands. The king sighed and hugged himself. "I miss you . . ."

The monkeys nearby watched their king and chittered amongst themselves, unsure what to do for their ruler. It was hard to make him feel better in the past after he returned to the mountain for good once he found neither his child nor his mate there waiting for him. They were relieved to see him full of joy once the human came to him, but the monkeys noticed not even that was helping their king move on.

Wukong sat up and jumped off the tree, catching the attention of the monkeys again. "I'll go visit them again." He looked at his subjects and glared at them suddenly, scaring them. "Don't  follow me, understand?"

They all chittered in quick agreement, before running off and keeping their distance from the king. Best to leave him before he took his anger and sorrow on someone.


"Woah, there's so many fruits here!" Mk laughed and walked through the forest, looking up to see some of the monkeys there. "You guys must never go hungry here, huh?" They chirped at him and ran off through the branches, sometimes coming back with different fruits to give to the young successor.

He took them with a smile on his face, and ate a few as he continued his trip through the mountain. He noticed a small cave entrance and was curious to see what lived in there. As he got near, however, all the monkeys began to screech and tug at his clothes.

"What is it?" Mk looked at the creatures, confused. Was there an awful beast in there? If so, then he should take care of it. That's what the Monkey King would do, right? "Don't worry you guys, it'll be fine. It's me after all!" He gently pried himself from their hands and continued his way to the entrance.

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