Soulmates | 03

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Kaneki would smile at Tsukiyama whenever he went by and would chat with him whenever he had free time.

The extra attention Kaneki paid to him made Tsukiyama feel this strange  sensation inside. He didn't know what it was but found he really, really  liked it, and looked forward to when Kaneki got off his shift. How much  longer did his chèri say that would be? Thirty minutes? Either way, Tsukiyama was getting antsy but hid it well behind gentlemanly poise.

Kaneki finished up his shift and clocked out. Once he made sure he was cleaned up, he went over to where Tsukiyama was sitting.

Tsukiyama perked up immediately when Kaneki sat down across from him and  his lips formed a full smile. He leaned forward eagerly. "Hello again."

Kaneki grew a bit shy again, "Yes, hello." It grew silent and he wasn't sure on what to say.

Tsukiyama cocked his head, looking him right in the eyes. The atmosphere  between them was a little awkward...he would not stand for it! Kaneki should  be as comfortable as possible, and to start Tsukiyama decided to broach  an easy topic. A certain type of crowd liked bookstores, non? "Are you a  fan of literature, Kaneki-kun?"

"Oh, yes I am!" Kaneki answered, glad for the topic. "And you Tsukiyama-san?"

The sudden enthusiasm both amused and thrilled him. "I am. I am a huge fan of Takatsuki Sen in particular."

Kaneki's eyes widened. "Did you say Takatsuki Sen?!" Kaneki grew too excited and ended up choking on his own spit.

Tsukiyama burst into melodic laughter and put his fingers over his lips  to calm himself. 'Be cool Tsukiyama Shuu. Be cool.' "Oui." The ghoul  brought his chair over beside Kaneki and pat his back as he got over his  coughing fit. "You are dolce, Kaneki Ken. I take it you are a fan of  them as well?"

Kaneki shyly ducked his head after that embarrassing act. "Y-Yeah, I  love Takatsuki Sen's works." Kaneki stared at the brown table in front  of them. "I grew up reading... It was like an escape for me."

"The same could be said for me." Tsukiyama rested his cheek on the back  of his upraised hand and looked out of the window. He snorted softly and  smiled to himself. "It was during the worst moments of my life that literature became my salvation."

The half-ghoul became shocked by this and looked at the purple-haired  ghoul. Finding his profile stunning in the light coming in from the  window. "Me too." Kaneki spoke softly. He had never met anyone with  views like his. "I... Books helped me a lot."

Tsukiyama caught Kaneki's gaze when he flicked his eyes in his  direction. That smile he wore was then directed fully on his soulmate.  "They are a true refuge, no?"

Kaneki nodded, amazed at the full smile the man gave him. He didn't even know Tsukiyama real well and yet...

A  sudden rumble resonated from deep within his chest and vibrated  intensely up into his throat where a rumbling, purring-like sound was  made. His whole being felt relaxed and content with the other ghoul that  it set him at ease. Tsukiyama was about to say more when he heard the purr, and promptly  froze in place. His heartbeat quickened and he flushed pink at hearing it.  Kaneki...already..? Purring? Already? He licked his dry lips. Purring  was such an intimate thing for ghouls, didn't he know? Tsukiyama  inconspicuously looked around to see if anyone had noticed and, finding  no one, lowered his eyelashes right at him. "Y-You trust me that much  already Kaneki-kun?"

 Kaneki's eyes widened but he couldn't just... ​stop​ whatever was  happening. "I'm sorry—I don't know what's happening—this has never  happened before, I don't—" He was breathing harsher as he started to  panic.

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