Soulmates | Tsukiyama x Kaneki

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A/N: Hey there! This is written for Fanfic's Slash contest they have going on.

Written with @ShatteredPrism

Fandom: Tokyo Ghoul

Pairing: Tsukiyama x Kaneki (Shuuneki)

Word Count: 9973 (is divided into multiple chapters)

Hope you enjoy! ^-^


In this world the term 'soulmate' has a very literal and true meaning. For every person they have one; another half of their being and one that their heart will beat for only.

When one does meet their soulmate, an instant connection is born and seared into them and they are forever bonded through the heart. Before meeting and forming this bond of the heart, soulmates naturally gravitate toward each other - pulled by an invisible tie until they can finally meet.

Soulmates will know the other's name instantly upon locking eyes. The two will know the connection is real, like love at first sight....

How interesting. Purple eyes greedily read the information, taking it all in. He'd heard of this phenomenon but had never seen it for himself, never experienced it, and to read about it... What a truly merveilleux sensation. He wondered what it would be like, if he were ever graced with such good fortune.

Thoughts like these were what plagued the mind of one Tsukiyama Shuu in the afternoon hours of the day, book in hand and coffee so hot it steamed into fine, smoky wisps. The bookstore-coffee shop was his usual hangout for the few times he found himself with free time to spare - which was becoming more and more frequent as of late, however he wasn't complaining.

The atmosphere was a relaxing one, he enjoyed the different fragrances hanging in the air. The occasional human that had a particular... ​aromatic​ scent would entice his appetite but he rarely acted on it nowadays.

For some reason he had been feeling... ​anxious​ here in the past few days. Like he was being pursued and needed to stay alert - which was absurd to think about since most ghouls tended to stay clear away from him.

Ah, whatever could it be? This feeling... He thought as he drummed his long fingers on the table.

If he were being honest, it truly intrigued him. Not much did that nowadays, and that alone was enough to make him listen. His finger rimmed the coffee cup as he continued to mull over his thoughts, lips puckered in concentration.

One could say he was... stranger to this feeling.

In his focused state Tsukiyama failed to notice the bookshop door open, nor the white mop of hair that entered.

Kaneki Ken was on his way to work when he had the strange urge to go into the bookstore. It was on the street he walked on, and the smell of coffee and books felt like home to him so he went in.

Instead of going for the books, his feet took him to the side and into the coffee shop.

​Maybe I'll grab a small cup before work to try it... ​ He was thinking before he stopped as a particular scent of lilacs and something calming hit his nose. A tremor went through him and he stopped on the spot, grey eyes wide and they started to wander.

Tsukiyama was still rimming his coffee cup with his finger when a particularly... parfait scent hit him, and he froze on the spot. It rolled through him, sung to his blood and made his heart beat faster - and on top of it all, it was dèlicieux, amazing, perfection at its finest. It was a church choir singing hymns so beautiful the sound shook glass. It was très magnifique and absolutely indescribable.

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