Soulmates | 05

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It took them a while but eventually the two reached Tsukiyama's flat, a  little worn from the walking (Tsukiyama was apologizing profusely for  the long walk). The ghoul opened the door and held it open so Kaneki  could be the first inside. "Welcome to my humble abode mon chèri."

Kaneki hesitantly went inside and purred even more at the scent of his  mate everywhere. It was like a safe haven, despite only knowing  Tsukiyama two days.

Tsukiyama unbuttoned the top button of his button-up shirt as he shut  the door then walked by Kaneki while pushing up his sleeves. "S'il vous  plaît, make yourself at home. Would you like coffee?"

"Yes, please." Kaneki told him, looking all around but followed  Tsukiyama. The flat was a lot bigger than his apartment... "You have a  beautiful home, Tsukiyama-san."

"Merci. It does have its perks." Tsukiyama led him into the kitchen and  he started up a pot of coffee. "Although it can be very lonely at  times."

"So you live here by yourself?" Kaneki asked as he took a seat at the  island. "I understand the loneliness..." Kaneki gazed around.

"Oui. Just me, myself and I — but that is not so bad sometimes."  Tsukiyama winked at his joke and grabbed a coffee mug. "I read often to  ease the silence."

Kaneki nodded. "Same. That, and homework." Kaneki grabbed the offered  coffee mug when it was done and blew on it slightly as he waited for it  to cool.

"Ah, oui, that one most definitely." Tsukiyama blew on his own mug and  took a sip, sighing with contentment. He thumbed the handle as he looked  at Kaneki through his eyelashes. "But perhaps loneliness will not be  much of a problem any more?"

Kaneki had sipped from his coffee mug and almost choked on it. "I-I hope  we can... see more of each other." Tsukiyama was too attractive, he had  to be a model!

Tsukiyama chuckled lightly at Kaneki's reaction. "I much hope the same. I  do not think I could stay away even if I tried." Tsukiyama looked into the  contents of his mug.

Kaneki flushed, content, and drunk more of the coffee. "This is really good, Tsukiyama-san."

"Merci!"  Tsukiyama was genuinely thankful for the compliment and preened  under the praise. "I am glad you like it. It is often I find myself  with the chance to at least practice, it makes me happy it is at least  decent for good company."

Kaneki smiled at him. "So is there anything you would like to ask me?"

Tsukiyama looked up, giving him a full-eyed stare dead-on with a  charming smile. He rimmed the mug with his finger. "Tell me about  yourself. What do you like to do?"

Tsukiyama shouldn't look so pretty... "I mostly like to read... And sometimes sketch. I'm a pretty boring person." He shrugged.

"Ah ah," Tsukiyama tuttered, shaking his head. "You are far from boring  mon chèri. What kind of things do you usually draw, read? Well, other  than Takatsuki Sen that is." Tsukiyama chuckled and looked upon him  warmly.

Kaneki flushed. "I like to read darker works like psychological. With  drawing, I like to sketch whatever comes to mind." Kaneki looked at him.  "Maybe I can sketch you someday?"

"Ah, really? Kaneki-kun, I would be honored to."

Kaneki smiled. "I look forward to it." And then the two stared and became lost in the other's eyes.

Tsukiyama found himself really, truly loving Kaneki's eyes. They were  grey but so deeply captivating and he just couldn't look away. His eyes  became half-lidded the longer he stared and he found himself wanting to  do..something.

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