you were a stranger just trying to survive, suddenly found by a man during the apocalypse. He captured you, taking you back to his community.
He mistakenly thought you were with the Enemy. One you knew nothing about.
will the man kill you?
or will...
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Daryl Dixon
Alpha led us into a trap, causing us to be in some kind of tunnel— it was filled with walkers. I tried to lift up y/n, but she couldn't reach up on anything'.
"damn, you all right?" I asked after Kelly and i helped her up off the ground.
"yeah." she nodded her head at me.
"look. Those rocks." Aaron pointed out.
I scanned my flashlight, lookin' around to see exactly what we were dealing with. I shined the light on the rocks Aaron mentioned. "We're gonna have to jump across." I looked around.
"seriously?" Kelly asked.
"it's gonna be tricky, but doesn't look like we have much of a choice." y/n rolled her sleeves up.
I jumped onto the Rock, pulling my knife out, and stabbin' some walkers. They were all around me, one wrong move, and i'd fall into them. Carol was next, jumping onto the same rock as i jumped to another one, holding on to the side of the boulder. The walkers growled beneath my feet as i kicked them back. I made it to the last rock where i sat down for a moment to catch my breath, watching as y/n made her jump onto the first rock.
Magna followed behind her, Jerry went next as the two girls made their way to me. I made another jump to the wall, turning my back and faced all the Walkers. Aaron began yelling, tryin' to distract the Walkers when Kelly jumped to the rock.
"hey! hey!" Aaron continued to yell.
I held my hand out, reaching to y/n as she held onto the last rock. "come on, i got ya." I looked at her as she leaped over. I grabbed onto her, pulling her in close to me.
I had already helped Carol when she made it over to me. After y/n it was Connie, then Kelly. I grabbed a walker arm Jerry had cut off, using it as a torch once it was lit with fire.
"i need you to stay here, all right? Keep everyone together." I gave y/n the torch.
She nodded her head at me without asking any questions, but i could tell she was a little worried for what was next.
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