you were a stranger just trying to survive, suddenly found by a man during the apocalypse. He captured you, taking you back to his community.
He mistakenly thought you were with the Enemy. One you knew nothing about.
will the man kill you?
or will...
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I dropped down into the train cart, looking around and seeing the others. Negan dropped down shortly after, but he was alone. My eyebrows furrowed slightly as i turned my gaze to him. "where's Maggie?" i asked.
"she was right behind me." Negan answered smoothly. I waited a few more minutes, hoping to see Maggie drop down, but she never did.
Just before i could climb back up i felt a hand on my shoulder. "You can't go out there." A man said. "no, No way. we can't just leave her, what if she needs help?" i looked around.
"I agree. Can't leave Maggie to die." Alden looked at me.
"It's too dangerous. If she's still alive she'll find her way to us." Gabriel joined in. I could tell he was worried, but didn't want to risk people.
I didn't like the idea of it, leaving her out there knowing there's dozens of walkers. She has a son to get home to, and nobody seems to care, except for Alden. He was the only one that stood up and wanted to help.
Of course i don't want to risk the lives of other people which is why i was going to go back for her alone, but they stopped me before i could.
Daryl was still gone, not knowing where he was or when he would be back. If he would come back. It worried me. There's too many walkers out there right now, and in a dark tunnel didn't make it any easier.
This trip wasn't going as planned, it seemed to be getting more dangerous as it went on.
"Anyone else hear that?" Alden asked.
"is it Walkers?" Negan asked standing there. "it's morse code, SOS." i said looking down at a hatch in the floor. Alden approached me, kneeling down as another person walked over, helping to get the hatch open. "Maggie.." i helped her up onto her feet.
Maggie gets on her feet, anger filled her eyes as she quickly walked past me, punching Negan square in the jaw. "i slipped, he saw, and left me to die." Maggie looked at him.
"okay, so what?" Negan wiped his face.
"you're just admitting it? You tried to kill her." i looked at him in annoyance.
"she was in trouble. I didn't help. Big difference there." Negan gets shoved to the wall.
"who's gonna help you?" Duncan pinned Negan against the wall.
"easy there man tits. She was just talking about murdering me, yet somehow i'm the big old asshole cause i didn't risk my nuts for her?" Negan looked around at everyone.
"help, someone help!" Gage yelled as he started banging.
Gage spoke as everyone ran over to him, the door being closed. I tried getting it open as he continued to talk. "did you close the door?" Gabriel asked. "uh. i." Gage stuttered.
"we open that, they'll all get in." Maggie yelled.
"we can't let him die." i looked back.
"he's right there." Alden turned.
Alden tried opening the door as i walked over to help him. "Maggie, open the door!" Gage yelled and began apologizing for leaving the group. Alden still tried his best to fight, but Duncan pulled him back.
"Maggie.." my voice broke.
The teenager pulled out two knives, stabbing himself in the heart, saving himself from the pain of being torn apart. His eyes filled with sadness, then anger as he looked at Maggie, then sadness again as his breathing shallowed and he took his last and final breath, walkers pulling at him just moments later.
I sat down in one of the seats, feeling sorry for what happened. Gage is one of the guys that was rude to me when i first joined, but he could've been saved. He shouldn't have gone out that way. I looked over at the door, seeing that gage had already reanimated into a walker.
"you guys don't wanna look at him, why won't you look at him?" Alden asked.
"all that is, is a shell of a man who died a coward." Gabriel looked over.
"he was scared, but he didn't deserve to die like that. In the worst way imaginable." Alden looked down.
"There are worst ways." Maggie joined in.
My mind thought of her husband, how Negan killed him the way he did. She was right, there are worst ways, and she witnessed it right in front of her while being forced on her knees.
But she talked about something else, A man that was going to kill her, She found a pregnant woman who had been dismembered, But all she was worried about was finding food for her and her son. The train went silent as she spoke about the story.
Walkers pounded at the door, trying to break their way through. Duncan hit the door on the other side of the train cart repeatedly as he tried busting it open. Everyone stood, waiting for the door to break off since there wasn't anything that could be done to stop it.
Bullets flew past as Gabriel shot a gun until the bullets were out. He and one other person moved out of the way as me and Maggie walked forward, pulling my bow out.
Arrows whistled by as they flew into the walkers heads, one after another until i was all out of arrows. The groaning continued and more walkers came. Alden and Elijah stepped forward, using there weapons to slash the walkers. Negan waited at the other side of the door, seeing that something was blocking it from being open.
"come on, go!" A voice yelled.
I stabbed a few more walkers in the head as i turned around, seeing everyone running. I followed them, going through the door.
"get behind something!" A familiar voice yelled. I got down, hiding behind one of the seats as a loud explosion was heard.
I stood up slowly and looked around, seeing daryl stand up and do the same. I ran to him, embracing the man in a hug as i pulled him close. Daryl wrapped his arms around my waist, picking me up off the ground slightly before putting me back down.
"you're okay." i smiled.
"told ya i'd be back." He looked at me.
"i was worried." i looked into his eyes.
"i'm here now. You don't gotta worry." Daryl looked back.
𓆩♱ 🖤₊˙ 🔪 ♱𓆪
Finally making it out of the subway tunnels, everyone looked around at the sky. The storm had finally passed by. The night sky looked beautiful as the stars sparkled everywhere.
I looked up, being blindsided by the stars. I always enjoyed looking up at them, seeing there beauty as they lit up the sky.
"what's that?" Maggie asked.
"a letter from this kid to his parents. It's from back before." Daryl sat.
"you found it?" Maggie asked.
"yeah, down in the tunnel." Daryl tucked the note into his glove.
Crickets chirped loudly as everyone walked the streets again. Bodies hung upside down from trees, but they weren't walkers. Someone murdered them and hung them up like decorations. An arrow flew past, killing one of our people. Everyone scattered, hiding behind trees. I looked over, seeing a group of people walking toward my group.
Wearing all black clothing and had masks over there face, while holding big weapons.
whatever it was, and whoever these people are they weren't looking to make friends.