Acheron: Part one (27)

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I stood there, looking into the darkness

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I stood there, looking into the darkness. Things were peaceful right now. I felt a tap on my shoulder, turning around to see Maggie and Elijah. She nodded her head and i turned my back, looking at my people.

The roof of the building had an opening that needed to be lifted, looking down and seeing walkers laying down at the bottom. Maggie, Rosita and Kelly dropped down first.

Looked like something off a spy movie.

Me, Carol, and Magna went down shortly after the first three. I looked around at the walkers, looking as if they were sleeping.

It was odd seeing the walkers were sound asleep, giving the fact they're dead. The dead don't sleep, but in this case they were.

Magna picked the lock, trying her best to not be loud while doing so. The six of us walked through the doorway once the door had been opened. There were a few more walkers "sleeping" when i kneeled down, stabbing one in the head, it's eyes quickly opening at the impact before shutting again for good.

Magna and Kelly walked over to some boxes, lifting up the lid and revealing lots of MRE. I walked over with a duffel bag, helping to pack up the MRE's.

The six of us walked back once all the bags had been filled, Connecting them to a line as they got pulled up back on top of the roof where the others were.

I looked up, seeing daryl looking down at me from above. He didn't take his gaze of me the whole time, i gave a quick smile when suddenly a grunt fell from his lips he quickly grabbed the bag, stopping it from falling back down.

Blood trickled down his arm. i looked back up again, hearing his heavy breaths echo as he tried his best to hold onto the bag. The growl of a walker was heard, startling me and the rest of the people that were with me. Everyone looked around, watching the walkers start to wake up.

I grabbed out my bow and arrow, Carol and Maggie doing the same. They let an arrow fly into the heads of walkers. Everyone was in a panic, Kelly grabbed a bag, throwing it over her shoulder before she used her slingshot to kill walkers.

I grabbed a gun, handing it to Maggie before grabbing another one for myself. The two of us pulled the trigger, but the clip was empty. Quickly throwing the guns down. Maggie found a pistol and began shooting, only having six rounds in the clip, she grunted and threw the gun in annoyance.

"Maggie!" i yelled and gave her an automatic weapon.

The two of us started shooting Magna and Kelly got lifted back up. The line came back down, Maggie and Rosita running over to it as they connected themselves. I stood there, continuing to shoot the walkers when i heard the line come back down for me.

Quickly grabbing it and connecting it to my belt. Before i got lifted back up i disconnected myself, seeing another box of MRE and running toward it. I grabbed another bag, packing it up as quickly as possible. An arrow flying past, killing a walker that was beside me.

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