you were a stranger just trying to survive, suddenly found by a man during the apocalypse. He captured you, taking you back to his community.
He mistakenly thought you were with the Enemy. One you knew nothing about.
will the man kill you?
or will...
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y/n martin
"Ahhh." i yelled out in pain as my feet rested on the cold ground, Rosita kneeled down in front of me.
"you're doing so good." Rosita smiled, looking up at me for a moment.
Daryl sat next to me, shock quickly appearing on his face as he watched the birth of our baby. He would look at me for a moment before glancing back down at all the action just seconds later. I squeezed his hand hard with each, and every push. The pain growing stronger each time.
"i can't.." i shook my head just wanting this to all be over. The pain was unbearable. I felt i couldn't breathe.
The ring of fire quickly struck through me, i felt it all over my body, but mostly down below where a head was beginning crown. I cried in pain, hoping it would all stop soon. I had no idea how anyone could possibly do this.
I didn't know how much more i could take.
The pain made it harder to breathe, stopping in between the contractions to try catching my breath. My face dripping with sweat and tears.
"you're so good. Just a little more." Rosita held her hands out, preparing to catch the baby.
Daryl wouldn't hardly move a muscle, he watched so intently to make sure everything was okay, blood never did make him squeamish, but the sight of all the blood that was coming out of me frightened him. Worried him since he had never experienced a live birth before.
He gave me a quick kiss on the forehead, eventually placing a wet cloth in attempt to cool me down some. "doin great honey." Daryl looked at me. I nodded my head, feeling another contraction coming on. "i can't." I said pushing with all my might, letting out another loud scream in the process. "you can. You can do this. I promise it'll be so worth it in the end." Rosita reassured me.
"it hurts." I cried.
"i know. I know it does. You'll take one look at this baby, and all that pain will go away like it was never even there." Rosita nodded.
"you got this baby. You can do." Daryl placed his hand on my head.
"the baby's head is out. It shouldn't be much longer now. I need you to give me another big push." Rosita got ready.
I started pushing, pushing hard like Rosita had said to do. I felt like i was squeezing the life out of daryl's hand. I'd loosen my grip every so often, not wanting to hurt him, but before i knew it my grip would suddenly tighten again.
The sound of crying quickly filled the air, and my heart felt like it skipped a beat. Daryl looked at the small little baby that had been wrapped up in a towel.
"it's a girl." Rosita smiled as she finished cleaning the baby up.
Rosita was right. All the pain i felt suddenly went away when i saw her. That fresh newborn captivated me. She was so precious. That first little cry melted my heart. I cried uncontrollably due to all the emotions i was feeling. Even daryl seemed to have shed a few tears seeing his daughter.
I smiled while catching my breath again, she looked so perfect—so small. When i looked at daryl it felt like time had stopped, and i just stared at him. Enthralled, completely mesmerized, unable to understand how something so perfect found it's way in front of my eyes. We gave each other this amazing gift.
He's my true home, the one person made just for me, the one person who made me a mother. The one who is now the father of our sweet baby girl. I couldn't ask for more.
"does she have a name yet?" Rosita asked while passing the infant over for me to hold.
I looked at the baby girl, holding her in my arms, staring right into her beautiful eyes as she looked into mine. "River. River Dixon." i smiled, knowing daryl would want a nature name since that's what he does best.
"you think of that just now?" Daryl asked.
"i did." I nodded my head with a smile.
"i love it." Daryl smiled.
"i knew you would." I looked at him.
"it's beautiful. It fits her well." Rosita teared up while looking at the newborn.
Daryl held the baby so i could get some rest, Rosita staying to help Daryl. I was so exhausted from all the physical pain, and all the pushing i had to do.
I couldn't believe i was a mom to a beautiful baby girl. It all seemed so surreal. Like a dream. A beautiful dream.
The baby started crying loudly, waking me up from my deep sleep. "shh. Shhh." Daryl held the baby close to him, and rocked her in his arms in attempt to calm her down. I smiled seeing how he was with her.
"maybe she's hungry." I said mid yawn.
"i think so." Daryl grunted and handed the small infant over.
I uncovered myself and River quickly latched on. She was indeed hungry. Daryl sat down next to me, watching me feed our daughter. I leaned up against him, relaxing comfortably.
"i love you." I spoke softly.
"i love you." Daryl smirked.
Being a new parent was hard, River woke up every hour or two. She was either hungry, needed a new diaper or just wanted to be cuddled. Neither daryl or i got much sleep. He was always so hands on, so helpful, He was quick to help in any way that he could. Of course he couldn't really help feed our daughter, but he helped with the diaper changes, and the cuddling.
Holding his little girl in his arms seemed to be his favorite. It brought us so much joy.
"i knew you'd be an amazing dad." I smiled.
"she's perfect." Daryl grunted with a smile.
"she really is. You hold her too much she's gonna get used to it." I watched them.
"she's too cute how could you not just sit and hold her?" Daryl looked at his daughter.
"you say that now until you can never put her down without her crying." I chuckled.