you were a stranger just trying to survive, suddenly found by a man during the apocalypse. He captured you, taking you back to his community.
He mistakenly thought you were with the Enemy. One you knew nothing about.
will the man kill you?
or will...
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Y/n Martin
"Aaron? where is she? where's Lydia?" I stood there frozen, imaging the worse.
"she's okay..but." Aaron looked at me with sympathy in his eyes.
"what? but what?" I panicked.
"follow me." Aaron walked away, leading me to a room. We walked in, me following behind.
I saw Lydia standing there, completely zoned out. Her eyes were red and puffy, she was slightly pale. "Lydia.." I looked at her, seeing she was missing an arm. "wha— what happened?" I teared up, walking toward her.
"she was bit. It was the only way to save her." Aaron looked at us both.
"thank you.. Thank you for everything Aaron." I walked over to give him a hug before going back to Lydia and pulling her in close to me.
"i'm so sorry this happened, but i'm glad you're okay, and you're safe now." I held Lydia tight.
"Elijah... he's still out there." Lydia's voice broke while saying his name.
"we'll find him. I don't know how yet, but he will come back." I looked at her.
"Jerry is out looking for him right now. We have to hope they both come back safe." Aaron looked at us both.
I visited with Lydia for awhile longer, hearing a sudden knock, and the door slowly open. Carol peaked her head inside, her completely grey hair tied back in a loose bun. "Judith is waking up. Daryl is with her now." Carol spoke softly.
I smirked, feeling joy and relief flood over my entire body. She's okay. Judith is okay. I quickly ran out, seeing daryl sitting on the bed.
"hey you." I spoke softly, gently running my fingers through her hair.
"hey, lil ass kicker." Daryl smirked.
"hey big ass kicker." Judith smiled, slowly opening her eyes.
I chuckled at the two of them, sniffling slightly and wiping the tears from my eyes.
"damn straight." Daryl smiled.
"how do you feel?" i asked.
"not great. But i'm fine like uncle daryl promised. What i said about mom and dad.." Judith opened her eyes more.
"was it true?" Daryl asked.
"that's why she never came back. I'm sorry i didn't tell you before. I was just...scared you would leave too." Judith spoke softly.
"i'm right here. We both are." Daryl looked over at me, then back to Judith.
"the children were found. Rosita, Eugene and Gabriel. They found the children." Ezekiel walked over with a smile on his face.
"are you serious?" I smiled, covering my mouth.
"yeah." Ezekiel chuckled.
Judith had a smile on her face, so did daryl. I saw Ezekiel walk off, and come back with my daughter in his arms. I was shocked that she was actually here with us again. Ezekiel passed River over to me, i quickly wrapped my arms around her. Daryl walked over, hugging the both of us. "baby ass kicker." Judith smiled.
"yeah." Daryl looked at Jude with a smirk.
"mommy missed you so much." I kissed River's forehead.
A gunshot went off, echoing everywhere. It startled everyone, getting their attention. Mercer looked out the window with Binoculars to see what was going on outside, and who fired the gun. "they're shooting anyone that climbs over the walls." Mercer walked to everyone.
We couldn't let that stand. We couldn't let innocent people die when all they were trying to do was get to safety. I placed River in a crib, leaving her with people i trust deeply.
The rest of us went outside, guns loaded and ready. I held my gun up at a few of the troopers, seeing Pamela standing there too. I was still pissed at her for shooting Judith.
I do badly wanted to pull the trigger, i wanted her dead, but i had to keep my composure. Just seeing her face annoyed me. "Traitor!" Pamela yelled at mercer. "no. You're the traitor." Mercer shook his head.
People could be heard yelling, still trying to get over the gate, begging we open it. "you disappeared hundreds of our citizens here. You led the dead right to our door step. You shot a child. Now you've left thousands of our people out there to die." Mercer stood there with no expression on his face.
"we're opening the gates, and letting these people inside. I'll kill anyone that tries to stop me." I walked toward the gate.
"stop. Or we will be forced to shoot." One of the troopers pointed her gun at me.
"we'll fire back." Carol pointed her gun.
"Shoot her!" Pamela yelled.
"stop!" Daryl yelled, walking forward. "the hell you doin? We all deserve better than this. You built this place to be like the old world. That was the fuckin' problem." Daryl stood just 5 feet away from Pamela.
"if we open the gates the dead will get inside too. Not just the living." Pamela looked at daryl.
"if you don't you're gonna lose everything anyway. We only got one enemy. We ain't the walking dead." Daryl walked away.
"Lower your weapons. He's right. Give the girl the key." A trooper spoke.
I was given the key, quickly unlocking the gate as fast as i could. The horde was coming, and it was coming quick. I held the gates open with a few others helping, waiting for all the people to run inside. "close the gates!" Mercer yelled once all the living people were in safely.
We pushed the gates closed, locking them back up. The walkers reached their arms through the gaps in the gate. "Lydia?" Elijah ran toward me. "she's here. She's okay." I looked at him.
Lydia ran over, hugging Elijah after they both ran into each others arms. "i though i'd never see you again." Lydia cried.
Daryl and i ran off, trying to get everyone to safety. Judith came out, seeing Pamela close to the gate almost letting a reanimated Hornsby bite her. Suddenly his body fell lifeless.
I wanted Pamela to die after everything she had done, after everything she caused. After she had people take my daughter from me, after nearly killing Judith. She deserved to die.
All i could feel for her was Hatred. "we need to get a vehicle out the the estates. Clear a path. Don't engage the rotters unless absolutely necessary." Mercer explained.
We all did our part in helping with the walkers. Some drove a vehicle out. Others stabbed the walkers with whatever they had. Loud Music blared through the streets down by the estates. It was working. The music was working and distracting the walkers.
The song ended, and the loudest explosion i have ever heard rippled through the air. It was like something straight out of a war zone.