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Jin's POV


That's it! I officially hate that egg head! I hate how he affects me so much! I hate it! What the fuck is he doing to me? This isn't like me and for fuck's sake he's my brother's best friend! That's so weird.

I'll just have to get away from him as much as possible before this gets any worse....

-The next day -

Namjoon's POV

"Maybe it wasn't just a dream after all," I mused aloud, taking a bite of my sandwich. It had been a day since I visited Hoseok's place, but that dream about Jin felt so real.

Hoseok raised an eyebrow, glancing in the direction of the cafeteria. Jin and Yoongi were approaching, but instead of joining us as usual, Jin veered off to another table, leaving Yoongi bewildered. "There he goes again, being difficult," Hoseok muttered, loud enough for them to hear.

I couldn't help but steal a glance at Jin. Why was he avoiding us today? Had I done something to upset him again? As I pondered this, Hoseok nudged me, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. "Let's go mess with him," he suggested, picking up his tray and dashing towards Jin's 

table before I could protest.

Reluctantly, I followed, not wanting to be left alone. "Hey there, big bro! Hi, Yoongles!" Hoseok greeted them with an exaggerated grin, but Jin's annoyed expression made me hesitate. Maybe I should have just gone back to our table. Eating alone would be awkward, but barging into Jin's space like this might make things worse.

Now I'm stuck here, feeling Jin's glare burning into me. Should I glare back? No, that's a terrible idea. Did I just do it accidentally? He must think I hate him now. Okay, breathe, Namjoon. Panicking won't help. But here I am again, probably annoying him to no end. I need to calm down, but how when I'm in the middle of this mess?

"Hoseok, seriously?" I heard Jin's voice towards his brother, but Hoseok was undeterred, pushing Jin's buttons with every word. It was clear Jin was seething, and part of me wished I 

could disappear.

"Are you okay, NJ? You look like you've seen a ghost," Hoseok interrupted my thoughts, but before I could answer, I caught a whiff of Jin's cologne as he swatted me away from the table.

"Namjoon, why don't you sit next to Jin?" Hoseok suggested, and I hesitated. Jin's clenched jaw and intense stare sent shivers down my spine. "There's a reason I'm not sitting with you guys," Jin finally said, his frustration evident.

Hoseok's sass only fueled Jin's irritation. I could see the tension rising between them, and Yoongi attempted once more to calm things down. I stood awkwardly, unsure of my place in this 


"Guys, can we just eat—" Yoongi was poorly cut off by his best friend. Seeing that he could go nowhere in his intervention, he just continued to stuff his face as I just stand here, looking like a complete, utter fool.

"Well, since I'm being a bitch, might as well be frank then—"

"Go on, bitch!"

"I actually want to enjoy my lunch without having to see your horse face and this egg head." Oh boy.

That made Hoseok stand up. He put his palms on the table and leaned towards his brother as he mirrors his actions, only adding more tension to the argument. "Oh yeah?" He scoffed. "Are you sure it's not because you like Namjoon and you're tryna ignore the fact that you do?"

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