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Namjoon's POV

I pouted angrily as Hoseok dragged me by the hand to our lockers, my steps heavy with disappointment. It wasn't just about the argument; it was the fact that walking with Jin hyung was the highlight of my morning, the moment I cherished the most. It was the reason I forced myself to get up extra early every day, hoping for those few precious minutes with him. Well, that and spending time with my best friend, of course.

"Hobiiii, we shouldn't have left him thereeee," I whined, a touch of desperation in my voice as we reached our lockers. Hoseok sighed deeply, rolling his eyes with a mix of exasperation and fondness. He pulled out his math textbook, looking at me with a blend of concern and annoyance.

"Joon, he was being mean again. To you. And honestly, what do you even see in him? He's a bitch and you know it," Hoseok said, his voice softer now, yet firm."Yah. How dare you call my future husband a bitc—OW!" I winced as he flicked my forehead with his long fingers. The sting made my eyes water a little, and I rubbed the sore spot, pouting even more.

"Puh-lease. As if you have a chance with him," Hoseok said, his tone dripping with sarcasm and sass. I felt a pang in my chest at his words. It wasn't just the pain of his flick but the underlying truth in his statement. Still, I clung to that slim hope, even if it was just a 0.1% chance.

"D-Don't say that! I do have a chance with him! I just need time."

"Oh, baby. Is three years not enough? You sure you still need time?" Hoseok's words hit me harder than his flick. Why was he being so harsh today? Three years isn't that long. I can still do it. I'll do whatever it takes for Seokjin to love me like I love him.

A deep voice interrupted my thoughts, making me turn around. "Hi, Namjoon." There he was. The love of my life, Seokjin, standing next to his best friend, Min Yoongi.

"Hello, Yoongi hyung! Good morning!" I greeted him enthusiastically, my heart racing. Yoongi's wide smile, showing off his perfect teeth and gums, made me smile back. So cute.Jin scoffed, rolling his eyes in that signature way that I found inexplicably attractive. "Hi again, Jin hyung! We're sorry we left you back there. I didn't want to though! It's just that Hobi was draggin—"

"Did I ask?" Jin's cold retort cut through my words, making my heart sink. See, Namjoon? That's what you get for having such a big mouth.

"W-Well, no, but I thought that...I should...let...you...know?" I stammered, feeling more awkward with each passing second. A nervous laugh escaped my lips. This is embarrassing... You're always like this with Seokjin, so just suck it up because this isn't new.Before Jin could reply, Hoseok swung his math textbook at Jin's face. It connected with a loud thud, right on his handsome nose. Hoseok can be so violent; his angelic exterior hides a devil inside.

"BITCH—MY NOSE!" Seokjin cried out, clutching his now red nose with both hands. He looked like Rudolph, and I couldn't help but find it adorable.

Yoongi was trying his best to hold in his laughter while Hoseok just glared at Jin. "Yeah, I can see it's still there. But that's beside the point. You're being a meanie again, so I figured I'd knock some sense into you with my book. Seems to have worked though; the broken nose is a bonus."

"You still look very handsome with a swollen nose, Jin hyung," I said, trying to lighten his mood, but his glare made me think otherwise. Yeah, maybe that wasn't the right thing to say..."You shut up, egghead," Jin snapped, his words like a dagger. Each time he called me that, it stung. But I couldn't help it. My heart still fluttered for him, and I knew I'd keep trying, no matter how many times he pushed me away.

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