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The sun had barely risen, casting a soft golden hue across the sleepy town. Jin was finishing his stretches on the porch, breathing in the crisp morning air. He had been looking forward to another run with Yeonjun. The previous one had been refreshing, not just for his body but also for his mind. As he straightened up, he spotted Yeonjun approaching, an eager smile plastered on his face.

"Jin hyung! Ready for another run?" Yeonjun called out, his enthusiasm palpable even from a distance.

Jin chuckled, waving at him. "Morning, Yeonjun. You're as energetic as ever."

Yeonjun bounded up the steps, a light flush of excitement coloring his cheeks. "I couldn't wait to see you again. These runs are the highlight of my day."

Jin felt a warmth spread through his chest at Yeonjun's words. It was flattering to have someone so genuinely excited to spend time with him. "Well, I'm glad you enjoy them. Ready to go?"

Yeonjun nodded eagerly, and they set off down the familiar path, their footsteps syncopated with the rhythmic sounds of nature waking up around them. As they jogged, they fell into a comfortable conversation.

"So, Jin hyung, how's your morning been?" Yeonjun asked, casting a sideways glance at him."It's been good," Jin replied, smiling. "These runs are a great way to start the day. Thanks for suggesting it."

Yeonjun's heart fluttered at Jin's smile. He always found Jin's smile to be disarming, a glimpse into his true, gentle nature. "I'm just glad you're enjoying it. You know, you have a really positive aura. It's contagious.

Jin laughed, a sound that made Yeonjun's heart skip a beat. "You're too kind, Yeonjun. You're the one with the infectious energy."

As they continued their run, their conversation naturally shifted to various topics until Yeonjun, with a curious tilt of his head, ventured into more personal territory. "Jin hyung, if you don't mind me asking, how's your love life?"

Jin was taken aback by the question, his mind immediately drifting to thoughts of Namjoon. He sighed, feeling a mix of emotions swirl within him. "It's... complicated. There's someone I care about deeply, but things are a bit messy right now."

Yeonjun's expression softened, though a hint of jealousy stirred within him. "I see. Can I ask who this person is?"

"His name is Namjoon," Jin replied, his voice tinged with both fondness and sadness. "He's someone very important to me, but we've had our share of difficulties."

Yeonjun's heart sank a little at the mention of Namjoon, but he masked it with a determined smile. "Namjoon must be a great guy if he has your heart, Jin hyung. But, if you ever need someone to talk to or anything, I'm here for you." Jin appreciated Yeonjun's sincerity, feeling a wave of gratitude. "Thanks, Yeonjun. That means a lot. You've been really supportive."

Yeonjun's resolve strengthened. He knew he had competition, but he was determined to show Jin how much he cared. "You deserve the best, Jin hyung. Don't forget that."

Their conversation grew lighter after that, filled with Yeonjun's playful antics and jokes. Jin couldn't help but laugh at Yeonjun's attempts to cheer him up, feeling a genuine connection with the younger man. As they ran, the weight on Jin's heart seemed to lighten, if only for a while.

Eventually, they found themselves back at Jin's house, their run ending far too soon for Yeonjun's liking. They stood on the porch, catching their breath and cooling down."Same time tomorrow?" Yeonjun asked, hope shining in his eyes.

Jin smiled, nodding. "Definitely. These runs have been great."

Yeonjun beamed, his heart soaring at the thought of spending more time with Jin. "Awesome! I'll see you tomorrow then, Jin hyung."

As Yeonjun walked away, he couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and determination. He knew he had a long road ahead if he wanted to win Jin's heart, especially with Namjoon in the picture. But he was ready to try, ready to be there for Jin in any way he could.

Jin watched Yeonjun leave, a thoughtful expression on his face. He appreciated Yeonjun's company and his kindness, but his heart was still entangled with thoughts of Namjoon. However, having Yeonjun around made him feel less alone, giving him a sense of normalcy he had been missing.


Jin stepped into the cool interior of his house, feeling the pleasant chill wash over him after the warmth of the morning run. He set his water bottle on the kitchen counter and was about to head to his room when his mother called out to him from the living room.

"Jin, is that you?" His mom had a habit of saying that. Jin find it quite endearing.

"Yeah, Mom. Just got back from the run," Jin replied, walking over to where his mother sat, a soft smile on her face.

She put down her knitting and looked up at him with a twinkle in her eye. "I have some news that might brighten your day."

Jin raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Oh? What's that?"

"Hoseok called earlier. He'll be home in a few days," she said, her smile widening. "He's really excited to see you."

A wave of warmth and happiness washed over Jin at the news. He hadn't seen his brother in a while and missed him dearly. "That's great news! I've missed him so much."

His mother nodded, her eyes softening with affection. "I thought it would be nice to prepare a welcoming dinner for him and I guess to congratulate him on his graduation."

Jin's face lit up at the idea. "That sounds perfect. I can help with the cooking. We should make all his favorite dishes."

"That's the spirit," his mother agreed. "And you know what? You should invite Yeonjun too. He seems to enjoy your company a lot."

Jin rolled his eyes playfully, a chuckle escaping his lips. "Mom, don't start."

She laughed softly, the sound filled with warmth and amusement. "What? He's a sweet boy, and it's clear he likes spending time with you. It wouldn't hurt to have him over."

"Alright, alright," Jin said, raising his hands in mock surrender. "I'll invite Yeonjun. But you know this lunch is about Hoseok, not setting me up."

"Of course, dear," she said, her smile never fading. "But it doesn't hurt to be friendly."

Jin shook his head, a smile tugging at his lips. His mother's silliness was endearing, a reminder of the light-hearted moments that made family so special. "I'll make sure to invite him then. And we'll make it a night to remember."

"That's my boy," she said, patting his arm. "Now, let's start planning the menu. We've got a lot to prepare."

Later that afternoon, Jin called Yeonjun, inviting him to the dinner. As expected, Yeonjun was thrilled and eagerly accepted the invitation, promising to bring some homemade desserts. Jin smiled at the younger man's enthusiasm, feeling grateful for the support and friendship that surrounded him.

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