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hey, guys. I realized that I didn't quite like how this story ended so I decided to change the ending. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

Throughout the whole day, Namjoon can't help but notice Hoseok being more distant — he's been avoiding him like the plague and he's not liking it one bit. It's not like the guy at all to avoid him like that considering they're best friends. If he didn't know any better, he would think that Hoseok is mad at him or that he did something terrible for him to act like the way he did.

More days have passed and Hoseok and Namjoon still haven't had a full on conversation and plus, he hadn't seen Seokjin at all and he can't help but feel that it's all connected. The confusion and frustration he's feeling these past few days could not compare to his loneliness and distraught for having to feel as if he lost his best friend to something he doesn't even know what. It went on as far as to witnessing Hoseok talking with other people and not him, sitting with other people in lunch instead of him, and even walking home to school alone or with other people without waiting for him. Namjoon's just sick of it.

Which is why after class, he decided that he will finally confront Hoseok and put a stop to it.


"Uhm, yes?" Hoseok turned slowly towards Namjoon. Obviously confused as to why he was shouting at him. "What's your deal? You've been ignoring me the whole week! If you have a problem with me just say it!"

Hoseok was at loss for words. Of course he noticed he's been more distant with Namjoon. He can't help but feel repulsed whenever he's near him. His Jin hyung recently moved out to their home town and he's never felt so lonely and sorry for his hyung. He tried not to, but he can't help but blame Namjoon for all of this. Maybe that's why he hasn't been around him that much because he knows he's just gonna blow up on him, lash out on how this is mainly his fault. But then again, he knows deep down that it wasn't — he just wants someone to blame for all of it.

"Namjoon, I don't know what you're talking about. I've had a long day, can we just talk about it tomorrow—"

"No! Let's talk about it now because I just can't take this anymore, okay? Stop being a coward!"

"You're one to talk, Kim. Do you seriously not know what's happening around you? Don't you know that your supposed hatred for Jin hyung drove him out of town to a place where I can't even be there for him? And you just have to go out of your way to express that by flaunting your dating status with Yoongi hyung to my brother! I might be a coward but you are selfish!"

"Selfish!? W-wait, Yoongi and I aren't dating? And what?! What happened to Jin hyung?"

The both of them stared at each other in utter confusion, both shocked at the fact that all of this was caused by a huge misunderstanding. Did Hoseok really think that Namjoon and Yoongi are dating? Did he really think that he would do all of that just to hurt Jin? Did he really think that he doesn't care at all for all of this?

Hoseok's eyes widened as the words sank in, his anger wavering for a moment. "You're not dating Yoongi hyung? Then why were you two kissing?" His voice trembled, a mix of confusion and betrayal lacing his words.

"You saw that?" Namjoon took a deep breath, trying to steady his racing thoughts. "Yoongi... he confessed to me. The kiss was surprising, even to me. It wasn't something planned or anything I meant to flaunt. It just happened." He felt a knot in his stomach, the memory of Yoongi's sudden confession replaying in his mind, making him feel both guilty and bewildered.

Hoseok frowned, skepticism still clear on his face. "But Jin saw you two, and he was devastated. He thought you were rubbing it in his face. That's why he left. He couldn't handle the heartbreak." The pain in Hoseok's voice was palpable, his frustration boiling over as he tried to make sense of the situation.

Namjoon's heart sank, a heavy ache settling in his chest. "I had no idea he felt that way. I thought... I thought he hated me." His voice was barely above a whisper, the realization of Jin's true feelings hitting him like a ton of bricks. He felt a deep regret for misunderstanding Jin for so long.

"Hated you?" Hoseok's anger flared again, but this time it was mixed with confusion. "Why would you think that?" He took a step closer, searching Namjoon's face for answers, his own emotions a whirlwind of anger, sadness, and confusion.

"Because he always kept his distance. He told me he hated me. So, I thought he couldn't stand being around me." Namjoon ran a hand through his hair, feeling the weight of the misunderstanding pressing down on him. "If I had known he felt anything else, I would have never..." His voice trailed off, a deep sense of sorrow washing over him as he realized how much pain he had unintentionally caused.

Hoseok's expression softened, the tension between them beginning to dissolve. "Namjoon, Jin hyung was always too afraid to show his true feelings. He thought you'd never feel the same way, so he tried to protect himself by staying away. But seeing you with Yoongi hyung, it broke him. He thought he lost you for good." Hoseok's voice was gentle now, his empathy for both his brother and his friend evident in his tone.

"I never meant to hurt him," Namjoon whispered, guilt washing over him. "I still like him, despite everything. I need to fix this. I need to find him and explain everything." Determination sparked in his eyes, a resolve to mend what had been broken and heal the wounds they had both suffered.

Hoseok nodded, his anger giving way to determination. "We'll find him together. I can't let my brother suffer like this, and I can't stay mad at you when it was all just a mistake." His voice was steady, a new sense of purpose aligning him with Namjoon.

Namjoon felt a glimmer of hope. "Thank you, Hoseok. I really appreciate it." His voice was thick with emotion, gratitude mingling with the anxiety that still lingered.

Hoseok gave a small, reluctant smile. "Let's just make sure we clear this up. Jin deserves to know the truth, and maybe... maybe things can get better from here." His eyes softened, a hint of optimism breaking through the tension.

As they stood there, a newfound understanding between them, Namjoon felt a sense of purpose. He had to find Jin and make things right, not just for himself, but for everyone involved. And with Hoseok by his side, he knew they could start mending the broken pieces of their friendship and love.


Is it good? hehe

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