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A/N: In case you did not read the A/N I posted before this; this book contains topics that can be triggering to some readers. I am not going to be including warnings everywhere, maybe at some parts I will. So, take this as your warning before proceeding. I don't want people later telling me that I did not include warnings when I clearly mentioned this at the start of the story. Thank you. Happy reading. I hope you will enjoy the story.


The first step I take in the room, my eyes zero in on my target for the night, Jeff Seingburg- a man in his early forties, also leader of one of the biggest gangs in America that has been causing our mafia a lot of problems. He is seated on the huge semi circle couch in the middle of the room, facing the other way with his partners flanking his sides. The group of five talks leisurely among themselves as they shift their attention between their conversation and the view that the tinted glass window provides of the grand party downstairs hosted by Jeff.

I close the door behind me, drowning the music and voices of people. The only sounds in the room are that of the men's chatter along with the clinging of their glass. They have yet to acknowledge my presence as I round the couch, standing on one side of the room.

"Who is this one?" One of them slurs as he drags his eyes over my body, the skimpy black waitress dress concealing barely anything but the wig and makeup hiding my identity perfectly. Following his comment, I feel all their eyes on me as they take in my appearance. I feign nervousness and keep my eyes casted bellow, their gaze burning my skin.

Peeking up, I see the smirks on all their faces, most likely getting off the impression that they instilled fear in me. I have no doubt that they are feeling like they are in control- like a predator and I am a helpless prey with no way to defend herself and nowhere to escape.


"Where did blondie go?" Jeff asked as he downs another glass.

"She was not well." I answer, keeping my voice meek, earning a laugh from the bunch of idiots.

"Aww is someone scared?" One taunts in a baby voice and I nearly smirk as I shake my head lightly, appearing weak and vulnerable to them.

Let them have all the fun they want for this would be their last time.

"Go get us our drinks." One spits, pointing to the bar in the corner of the room. On my way to the bar, one of the men grabs my ass, squeezing before letting go, followed by their booming laughter as if they told the joke of the century.

Rolling my eyes, I go to the bar, grab several bottles and start preparing their drinks. Putting the bottles back in their respective places, I place the drinks on the table and they waste no time grabbing them. As I am about to turn around, Jeff speaks up, "Come here." He pats his lap, the sides of his eyes crinkling from the creepy grin plastered on his face.

The other's eyes pin on me as I stand on my spot. I move towards him, keeping my steps slow and hesitant. A few more remarks reach my ears but I ignore them as I sit on his lap. His hand go around my waist, pulling me closer to him. A groan leaves his mouth as he leans closer, resting his face in the crook of my neck.

I hold back a gag and fist my hands as I feel his tongue on my skin as he moves towards my ear. "You taste just as sweet as you look." He comments.

"Let us get a taste too." One laughs

Jeff places his hand on my thigh, gliding it further up, reaching the hem of my dress. Not long after, I feel his body freeze and it is my time to smirk. His hands remain frozen on my inner thigh as he pulls away with a glare on his face.

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