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Unease clamps all my body as I pull up in front of the mansion where I will be staying for the next few days. For some unknown reason, a feeling keeps growing in the pit of my stomach. I cannot decipher whether if its is a warning or anticipation. But it is something. I just cannot place a finger on it. Taking a deep breath as an attempt to calm down the bundled nerves, I kill the engine. Getting out of the car, I open the back door for Arrow to get out.

One of the men comes towards me, offering to handle my bags and car. I gladly accept and continue walking towards the entrance. Arrow matches my steps as he comes next to me. I smirk at his protective side that starts to show. His head is held high up as he walks, a menacing glare in his eyes enough to make some of the guards to tense or step back from us. He walks like he owns the place, letting out a low growl whenever he thinks someone is too close and I cannot be any prouder of his behaviour.

As I take in the security, I cannot help but grow more suspicious. Rick was right- The security has been increased.

As soon as I set foot in the house, I feel the shift in the atmosphere. While it is warm and a relaxing, normal day outside, inside, it feels suffocating and heavy. It is like a weight on my shoulder. It feels heavy, like a tonne of bricks just fell on me, knocking the air out of me but in reality, it is just a feeling- Tension to be more precise. The air is saturated with it despite the silence reigning over the place.

I continue to wall inside the house and voices from the nearest living room gets my attention. Muffled voices grow louder as I follow the source, keeping my steps light and quiet. I round the corner and freeze in my steps, agape.

I double check my surroundings to make sure I am in my house.

Am I even in America right now?

Because the presence of the four Italian men, clad in expensive, tailor-made suits standing in the living room make no sense. I pinch my arm and wince as the confusing yet shocking reality settles in.

From the corner of my eyes, I see Arrow lunge in their direction. My eyes widen as I realise his following actions.

I nearly shout, earning the attention of all six men, "Arrow stop!" 

I let out a breath of relief as Arrow stops just in time in front of them or more specifically Lorenzo. The latter glares down at Arrow who lets out a low, threatening growl while stepping closer. Lorenzo looks unfazed at his actions.

"He is not good with strangers." I say as I send a glare at Ezra, not bothering to hide the irritation from my voice.

"Addie." He gives me a light smile as he walks towards me, pulling me in a hug. "I almost thought you would not be coming."

"I guess it would be better if I did not." I grumbled, moving away. He gives a look that is equivalent to 'I'm sorry' but I look away, annoyed.

"Now that you are here, we could very well use your help." My father says as he looks at me, his eyes darting between me and Stefano standing beside him. I feel Arrow move to come next to me, his fur rubbing against me. "We will talk about it at dinner."

"Whatever." I mutter as he passes by me, followed by Stefano, Lucas, Giovanni and Lorenzo. As Lorenzo passes by me, Arrow let out another growl to which Lorenzo sends a glare. It feels like watching two males' egos clash as they try to assert their dominance. I cannot help but feel entertained at their behaviour. For a split second, I meet Lorenzo's eyes but he quickly averts his eyes.

"So," Ezra trails as he gives me an awkward smile.

"So, you kept things from me. Again." I complete his sentence, turning on my heels, heading towards my room.

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