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If I could just take my gun and shoot each and every one of the people in this conference room, right between their eyes, I would do so without second thoughts. Maybe with a smile too. 

The people whom I call my employees are better at pissing me off than they are at their jobs. I tap my pen patiently against the black file in front of me, waiting for the remaining people to get in the room. All eyes are on me, and I meet each of them with a cold glare that leaves them squirming in their chair. I rarely call for an emergency meeting but when I do so, it is usually when I am pissed.

Right now, I am beyond pissed.

The awkwardness covers the room like a thick blanket. It feels nice to see them so bothered and afraid to meet my eyes. They deserve it after the disaster and headache they caused.

"Is everything okay ma'am?" Gerald, the person who was supposed to lead our team for our latest project spoke. I give him a sweet smile, yet my eyes do not show an ounce of warmth. I see him gulp but nonetheless, he stands his ground.

I open the file in front of me, containing various newspaper pieces, and throw them on the table. I motion for them to look at the papers and while they do so, I connect my laptop to the projector, showing the mess on the internet.

'Charity event turned disaster.'- The headlines of the articles read along with: 'Disaster of the year.' And 'The fall of Hernandez Corp.'

The night before, an important and potential client had chosen our hotel to hold a charity event. Since Ezra and I have been overwhelmed with the mafia world, we decided to leave this project in the hands of our most experienced employees.

I had held meetings for briefing and discussing several aspects of the ideas that the employees brought to the table previously. We had already decided on every detail to make sure it was a success.

However, it turned into a disaster. Just like the reporters said. My mail was filled with complaints about what happened at the event. It ranged from decorations to catering to a lack of staff and many other minor problems that I had already taken care of during our meetings. Not only did they write an article about the event, but also about me and Ezra and even went as far as to include reviews of people who were in attendance.

I lean back in my chair as they all go through the articles before their eyes land on the slides on display. I see some of the colour fade from their face. "Can anyone explain this to me?" They avert my eyes and stare at their lap. "Stop staring at your laps and answer my question." I say in a calm voice but I can see the fear dancing in their eyes as none dare speak up.

"Gerald." I say calmly yet sharply and the man in his early fifties pales at my tone. "Start talking. I don't have all day."

"Sorry, ma'am."

"I did not ask for your forgiveness Gerald. I asked for an explanation."

"We did not start the preparations on time." I stop him before he can go any further, my eyes landing on Bethany- a young, new employee- who fidgets with her fingers. "Bethany." Her wide eyes snap to mine. "How long did you guys have to prepare for the event?"

"Four weeks ma'am." She looks down.

"Look at me when I talk to you." She flinches at my tone and looks up, face red. "And when did you actually start the preparations?"

"Two weeks before." She says but I catch onto her lies. Her eyes remain fixed beside my head but never meeting my eyes and her hand fumbled with her hair.

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