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The door of my room opening gets my attention as I change out of my work clothes in my closet. At the same time, Arrow lets out a warning snarl at whoever is in my room. Frowning at the unexpected visit, I pull on my shirt before making my way out of the closet.

"Don't you know it is rude to not knock before entering someone's room?" I ask, amused at the sight of Lorenzo as he stands near the door, leaning against the frame with his hands in his pocket while Arrow stands a few feet away from him in a defensive position, his teeth bared.

While Arrow has his guard up, Lorenzo completely contracts him with his carefree posture and look on his face.

Upon hearing my voice, his whiskey eyes move from Arrow to me. The latter also sees me and immediately sets off in my direction. He comes to a stop in front of my feet, turns on his spot and faces Lorenzo, letting out a snarl. Lorenzo's lips curl into a small smirk at Arrow's protectiveness.

It feels weird seeing Lorenzo in my room. It has been a week since that night and it is the first time he ever set foot in my room. Usually, we just hang out around the house where Ezra, my father or the people of our mafia cannot see us and other times, we just hang out with the group.

We never tried going in each other's room and I cannot help but be curious as to what pushed him to take this step.

"I didn't know I had to knock to get in my girlfriend's room." He says with a smirk playing on his lips.

"I don't remember agreeing to be your girlfriend." I mirror his teasing tone, biting back a smile at the fact he just called me his girlfriend.

Even though it has been more than a week since that night, we have yet to actually discuss about ourselves. Even when it was brought up at the coffee shop yesterday, we did not pay much attention to it or even bothered answering the question.

Though, I guess now things change. We are not just two people who like each other for sex. Our relationship which we had yet to give a proper title, now has one. My point of view on how things are between us changes.

We like each other a lot. We had sax. He claimed me as his. And, now, we are girlfriend and boyfriend. So, we are dating.

It is unexpected and out of the blue for him to just say that we are now girlfriend and boyfriend but within the span of the last week, I have come to know one more thing about Lorenzo- He is extremely possessive and he does not bother to hide it.

Hence, his actions actually made sense to me. It does not surprise me to see him act upon his words- Because from now on, you are mine.

The thought of being his girlfriend brings a dizzy feeling and I feel myself becoming a teenager again, about to get into my first relationship with a guy, only this time, the feelings are stronger and clearer.

He pushes himself off the door, marching towards me, taking lazy strides yet his eyes remain fixed on mine. Sharp. Hot. Burning. Intoxicating. Addicting

"At least I know that he is not going to let any man near you in my absence." He crouches down in front of Arrow.

"Apparently, not even you." He attempts to pet him on the head but Arrow lets out a bark. I sigh out of disbelief as Lorenzo looks amused.

He extends his hand in front of Arrow who simply stares at it for a second. As he sees Lorenzo's persistence, he places a paw on his extended palm. "Good boy." Lorenzo has a small smile on his face.

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