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Twisting the door open I enter the office room where we usually meet to discuss things regarding the Russians. As soon as I enter, I am met with the sight of Giovanni and Valeria sitting on the couch next to each other.

Giovanni whispers something in her ear, his hand resting on her thigh as Valeria giggles- the first time I have seen her giggle- at his words. They don't acknowledge my presence as they stay in their own little bubble, laughing and talking among themselves. Valeria leans into him, a carefree and huge grin on her face.

Ever since they shocked us with their relationship at the coffee shop, they have been more expressive towards each other. They are always glued to each and I cannot help but wonder how they kept their hands to themselves prior to the revelation. How did they go two years with seeing each other only once a month- Valeria's words- when they cannot even spend one second without having their hands on each other?

I let out a grateful sigh as I see Lucas standing near the arc window overlooking the garden, his back facing me as he keeps looking at whatever goes on outside, ignoring not only Giovanni and Valeria's act but also my presence.

"Get a room, you guys." I mutter under my breath as I walk past the couple towards Lucas.

"We don't complaint when you and Enzo act all cute." Giovanni retorts, sending me a playful glare, finally removing his attention away from Valeria.

"Because we don't." I simply say, giving him a sarcastic smile. He rolls his eyes, flipping me off with a motion of his hand before returning his attention to his girlfriend.

"Hey, Mr Single." I tease him as I stand next to him, leaning against the window frame. "Looking for a girlfriend?"

He huffs. "I prefer Einstein over this. At least you admit that I am smart."

"I call you that sarcastically. And when someone says something sarcastically, they mean the opposite."

"Fuck off, Delia." His eyes shift to mine, a glare on his face but I can see the amusement swimming in his eyes.

"And here I thought I was your best friend." I wipe a fake tear from the corner of my eye, shaking my head as I feign sadness.

In the past few days, we have gotten even closer and I actually consider him to be one of my best friends. In fact, our entire group has gotten closer to each other. Giovanni and I have become better friends as he slowly makes his way into my 'best friends list'.

Even Valeria has gotten closer to Lucas despite their constant bickering about who is the better best friend. They act like siblings, constantly fighting like children over trivial matters.

"And I regret it every day." He rolls his eyes at me, returning his attention outside.

I punch him in the arm, hard and he scowls at me. "Do you treat Enzo like your punching bag too? Because I am starting to feel bad for him."

"No. Just you." I beam at him. "After all, you are my personal translator and punching bag."

He scoffs. "These are just a few of the perks that come with being my friend."

"Best friend." He corrects and it is my turn to scoff.

"Why am I not surprised that you are just as possessive as Xaen is? Are all Italians like this?" I ask curiously.

Instead of replying he just stares at me. There is a slight shock in his eyes but I cannot decipher the reason behind it. "What?" I finally ask as he continues to stare at me.

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