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The battle cruise soon reached its climax. With the arrival in Barcelona, ​​they had reached the goal of the journey.

"Here, take these and give them to him" "Thanks Ange" Algería took the bags and entered the ship's deck, where she met Ranjiro, Tobisuke and Gumita, who were about to walk off the ship. "Hey you three, where are you going?" "Up to the El Astro and before Aiger even gets there" "Aiger has already left the ship? But he doesn't even know where he has to go" Algería sighed. "Well, the three of you come with me and we'll look for Aiger." Algería walked around town with the three of them, looking for Aiger and Naru. "The city is really huge, until we find the two, hours have passed" "There is a place where many balders are, maybe Aiger is there and battles" "That could be good" "Well then follow me " Algería went on. "Wait a moment" She stopped and saw Ranjiro walking in one direction. "Wait for us, Cap'n!" Tobisuke and Gumita followed him. The redhead sighed and followed the three. "Hey you there! Stay away from Naru!" They had found the little girl who was with an older man. "Maybe he's a kidnapper?" "Everything will be fine, Naru. I'll take care of it from here" "That must be a misunderstanding, I'm not a kidnapper" "Right, he's actually a good beyblade coach" "Are you serious?" "This is the coach of BC Sol, his name is Raul" "Is he?" "Yeah, Raul is a great coach" "Oh Algería" "I heard incredible stories from my brother about BC Sol's incredible coach" "Then you must be Rantaro's little brother. Hotheadedness runs in your family, just like the kinky hair" "Don't say that again old man! Don't ever make fun of the family hair ever again!" "Your irritability only confirms what I said" "Tell me Naru, where is Aiger?" "He got lost. He should have walked past the bridge but he walked towards the woods" "Towards the woods?" "It will take forever to find him there" "If we're lucky I can guess where he is" "Do you think he found him?" "As I know him, yes" "Who are you talking about?" "Will you see when we find him and Aiger"

The group made their way into the woods and as expected, they found Aiger in this one place. "There he is" "And he's just battling all the time" "Hey, doesn't the other one look familiar to you?" "That's Free De La Hoya" "Really?!"

"You want to be the best but you have no idea what true strength is" "Save it! You're just avoiding the fight" "Okay, let's go"

"3,2,1 Let it rip" Free's veins came out, giving Fafnir a boost. "Okay, Achilles! Let's get started!" Aiger launched the first attack. "Look, I'll show you what real strength is" Fafnir countered with his own attack and threw his opponent aside. Achilles was able to save himself from a ring out finish and flew towards Fafnir. "Destroy him now!" "Achilles" Achilles accelerated and dodged Fafnir's attack. "He dodged?!"

Free clenched his fists and showed his veins.

"Don't imagine anything! You can't get away! Fafnir" Fafnir raced towards Achilles. "Ghost Claw" The two crashed into each other and Fafnir brushed Achilles. "How...?!"

"They must be here because of you." Aiger looked sideways. "Why did you come out here?" "We wouldn't have had to if you hadn't run away on your own" "Wouldn't you like to go up to El Astro and have a look around there?" "It's much more than just a shortcut" "Come on Aiger, we have to get back to the ship soon" "But I'm in the middle of a- He's gone!" Free was nowhere to be seen. "Free has a habit of coming and going as he pleases. He's probably off to get some more practice."

Algería said nothing but left as well. She knew this forest inside out and guessed where her boyfriend was. She arrived at the lake and as expected, she found Free there. He sat on the ground and meditated. The girl didn't say anything, just sat down next to him. "...He's dangerous..." Algería looked at Free, who had his eyes open. "I know...I've felt it too" "Did you find out anything?" "More or less..." "Means what?" The redhead considered telling Free about her premonition about Phi. "I don't really know yet...I'm still on it." Free looked at her. "But you have a premonition, am I right?" "There are a few Battle Cruise participants that I've been keeping an eye on more than the others." "And who would they be?"

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